I haven't felt too well today (headache) so I've not been able to do very much. That has left me time to reflect and I guess when I don't feel good I reflect on more troublesome issues.
America is dealing with some troublesome times if you ask me. People all over the world are dealing with troublesome issues. From the beginning of time we've dealt with hunger, natural disasters, greed, pride, poverty, etc. and we always will. It's sad but true.
Technology has made things too easy for us. We don't have to farm for our own food. We don't have to get our hands dirty, we hire other people to do those things for us if we can. We don't even have to gather, store, and/or cook our own food! We don't have to make our own clothes, build our own houses, and on and on and on. We start thinking we are too good for those menial tasks and besides, we don't know how to do those things anyway because we don't HAVE to anymore. Ask kids where food comes from and they'll say "the store". Ask them where clothes come from, "the store", where toys come from "the store", etc. There are stores for any and everything!
So while we have idle hands we make up things for us to do. We now have to walk on a treadmill to get exercise because we have cars to take us wherever we go. We have to stop eating food because we have so much in front of us. We keep ourselves up too late because modern technology entertains us whenever and/or wherever we are. We throw away perfectly good things because we just have too much. We keep buying things we don't really need (and we probably don't even really want them a week later) just because we CAN.
Now of course this isn't everyone in America but I'd say the majority of us. Yes, even the "poor" among us has cell phones and more than just a day or two of clothes. Wouldn't you agree?
We've become "too smart" for our own good. We begin to put down others because they aren't as "smart" as us. We start feeling we are the most important thing in life and we forget that mankind needs to work together. Here in America we start arguing over politics and every little thing. For crying out loud, Americans are arguing over basic science now a days because we think we can change biology! No lie, mature adults can not understand the biology of gender! Do you realize how much time and money is wasted in politics because new technology and drugs can help people "change" their sex? Politicians have to define what anatomy constitutes males vs females. Come on folks, kids realize and learn this before kindergarten!
This "trans" nonsense is driving me crazy! Look, everyone I've talked to has personal body issues. We all have things at one time or another we wish we could change about our bodies. Hundreds of years ago the technology didn't exist so you dealt with it. Today we can change deformities, cure diseases and conditions that were lethal not long ago, and even prevent a lot of pain and sickness. But we've taken that good technology too far.
Don't like your nose? Have it changed. Don't like your boobs? Have them changed. Don't like your teeth? Have them changed. Don't like your Adam's apple? Have is shaved down. Heck, you can make yourself look like Barbie dolls with enough plastic surgery now a days and some people actually do!
Don't like your gender? Change it. Whoa! Right here we've gone too far. I'm sorry some people (and it's relatively few btw) are so self conscious or so disappointed or confused about their body that they are willing to disfigure themselves and take tons of hormones to change their complete look and build. I'm sorry they can't find peace and happiness with themselves. But just because they have this personal trial doesn't mean I have to accept their choices!
Why should I, with my own self consciousness about my figure or whatever, have to allow a man into the women's locker room because he "identifies" as a woman? He might feel like he should be "one of the girls" but hello, he isn't! He makes me feel uncomfortable having him in there and many other women feel the same way. Why should the rest of us have to feel even more uncomfortable because he doesn't want to change in front of guys? It's HIS personal trial, why are politicians making HIS problem mine? Why do they justify his insecurities by telling him it's OK to "identify" where he clearly shouldn't?
Now I know many people don't agree with me here and may think I'm heartless or uncaring or whatever. That's OK. I've had a transgendered person sit me down and talk for hours explaining what the process is like and how much happier "she" is now. I personally think it's selfish of "her" to divorce "her" wife (when she was a he), leave his daughter, and then try to find happiness in a sex change. Now "she" is a lesbian and was married to a woman. (If you identify as a female why are you not attracted to men like most other females are?) They had a daughter together but they've recently divorced. Hey you, I'm glad you're happy now but your happiness has come at a great cost to the others of your family. You've now "parented" two children who are raised in divorced homes and don't have the benefit of two parents...a dad and a mom. Not to mention your ex and your birth family.
This is sad to me. It's also sad that statistics show that she is much more likely to slip into unhappiness and take her own life. Not because of the other people around her but I think it's more because she is trying to live a life other than her biology. You can change the outside but you can't change your DNA. You can look like a woman and identify yourself as one but you never can be a woman!
Why is modern day America even arguing over this? Because we have too much time on our hands, too much "knowledge" and technology so that we think we can play God. We think we know everything and are more enlightened when really we're being foolish and playing with fire.
I'm sure the politicians love it btw. We fight over stupid stuff so we don't pay attention to the things that matter so much more.
It's sad.