That sounds great, doesn't it? I like shopping at Target, I love feeling like I belong, I like being accepted, respected, and welcomed so Target sounds like the perfect store for me.
But here's a question, If I've already gone through background checks and been cleared to own a handgun, why aren't I allowed to carry in a Target store? Why doesn't Target respect me in that decision? Why don't they accept that I've had government clearance and automatically assume I'm not a "bad guy" wanting to cause trouble? Why can't I even carry it concealed and still be welcomed at Target? It makes me feel like I belong. It makes me feel safe and secure.
Now I realize it doesn't make others feel so safe and secure but if I'm conceal carrying why does Target even care? It's against the law for me to show it, let alone use it, so what's the big deal?
Because it makes others feel uncomfortable. It makes them feel like they don't belong. OK, Target is their own business and can set their own rules. I can comply or not shop there.
What is confusing to me, then, is Target's recent decision to allow ANY man in the women's restroom or fitting room. They say, "In our stores, we demonstrate our commitment to an inclusive experience in many ways. Most relevant for the conversations currently underway, we welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity."
At face value you look at that and say, "Lisa, you misunderstand. Target is saying they welcome TRANSGENDER team members to use the restroom or fitting room of their choice, not ANY person."
Unlike gun permits, there is no background check, no card carrying official declaration that someone is transgender. By being so inclusive Target has just allowed ANYONE access to the women's rooms. Anyone can go in as long as they say they identify with women. It's true, check out this video:
In case you don't watch the video, let me tell you about it. A man decides to speak to management at his local Target to see if he can use the women's room. He says he feels more comfortable doing that and is told by management that he can. The man also asks what he should do if any woman has a problem with that. The manager responds that "he will speak to them" should they have any problems with that.
Really?!? Target management will speak to me if I feel uncomfortable with an obvious man in the women's room. Will speaking to me make me feel better? Will speaking to me make me feel comfortable to have future men come in while I'm at Target?
If SPEAKING TO ME makes it all better, than why doesn't Target just SPEAK TO all the people who are concerned and uncomfortable with me carrying a gun? Why doesn't Target management explain that I've been screened, the federal government says I'm OK to carry a weapon so everyone else should be confident and secure with me carrying one, too? Let's love and be inclusive and think the best of everyone, I mean we are all at Target and just want to have a good time shopping!
What kind of stupid is that? OF COURSE not all shoppers are going to be loving and feel inclusive towards everyone just because they are in Nirvana Land of the local Target store! Just because the government has cleared me to carry a firearm does not make the majority of others trust me and my intentions. I get that! So why can't Target understand that I instinctively don't trust men in the women's restroom or fitting room?
Again, you may be saying, "Lisa, don't be judgmental. How dare you accuse transgenders of being pedophiles or rapists? Most of them are just people who need to pee and/or try on clothes." You might point me to this Facebook meme:

If you are saying that you totally miss the point, I'm not hating on transgender people! I truly believe that most of them do not want to draw attention to themselves. Most of them are like conceal carry weapon holders. They "conceal" their maleness as much as possible and if they do a good enough job or are far enough along in the process I'll never see their...uh...weapon. I could be in the stall right next to one and never know. Ignorance is bliss, I'd be none the wiser, so both of us would go about our day and back to shopping at Target happy and secure.
But, see, this goes back to my point of no screening. Anyone can go in now. Even "bad guys" who are perverts and pedophiles. There is nothing stopping them. They just have to say they feel more comfortable in there. Yeah, I'd bet you do! And if I complain because I feel uncomfortable I'm the one getting a talking to by management!
I don't know if this even makes sense to anyone else. To me I see it as a double standard, one that I have the opposite view of on both ends. I'm much more apt to feel secure around a legal gun carrier than a man who merely says he feels more comfortable in the women's room. I think Target has it backwards.
I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid of transgenders in the women's room. I'm not afraid because I'm not allowed to carry a firearm. I'm not even really afraid of being accosted in the women's room while shopping at Target. Just like with guns, if a bad guy wants to cause trouble he will do it no matter the law. If some pervert is intent on getting his kicks in the women's room he'll do it regardless of the store's policies. But I don't agree with Target's policy opening the door and inviting these perverts in in the name of inclusion.
So I'm back to something I mentioned earlier, Target is their own business and can set their own rules. I can comply or not shop there. Guess what? I'm no longer shopping at Target.