There has been a huge outcry because Big Brother, as in Uncle Sam, hasn't come to the aid of the flood victims in Louisiana recently. President Obama was vacationing, playing golf, and what not and waited until his vacation was over before he decided to comment and/or come see what the people needed.
Yes, I understand that President Bush was criticized for not doing more and not doing it faster when there was flooding during hurricane Katrina and that was when he called out FEMA within days. I'm not trying to make excuses for President Obama. Instead I'm hoping that Americans can learn an important lesson from this. Yes, some government assistance was expected and would have been nice but when in trouble there is a different Big Brother we should turn to first...Jesus Christ.
Remember America was founded on "In God We Trust"? Not in Uncle Sam. When there are troubled times God WILL help. How, you ask? He works through others. This flooding is the perfect example. Because the government was absent we were able to witness Americans stepping up and showing Christlike love and service for their fellow man.
The mainstream media might not spend a lot of air time reporting on those people willing to serve others but you CAN find numerous stories on social media. People taking their boats out to go and rescue homeowners from flooded homes, people bringing food and water to those stranded and hungry, a 9 year old boy giving up his birthday party and presents to deliver pizzas to those who have been stranded and need food, and on and on.
If you don't believe in God, fine, believe in the goodness of the American people. They weren't asking what religion you were. They didn't care what race you were. They didn't care about your job, your education, your social standing, etc. All they knew was that you needed help and they pitched in and got the job done. To me, that is the Lord working miracles through others. People acting as disciples of Christ as they listen to promptings to help and serve those in need.
Politicians and the media are really playing up scare tactics right now and getting people worked up about race, religion, politics, and highlighting differences. They seem to delight in causing friction. Take note, folks. When things get bad and we really need one another, that stuff really doesn't matter. Stop turning to the politicians and media for what's important. Start remembering the basic principles of what America was founded on..."In God We Trust". You'll be a lot happier. You'll appreciate your neighbors more. You'll be more independent.
America IS still great because of it's people...don't forget it!