Did the other effects of the treatment wear off, too? Hmm, that's hard to answer. I would say no, it was more like I had to relearn everything. You know how people of my generation are super glad they grew up without social media so they didn't embarrass themselves as teens? I seemed to have to go through a childlike state, then a teen state, and then back to an adult state. All chronicled on social media...lovely!
I'm kind of embarrassed as I reread my blog. There's a lot of anger and emotion in there. A lot of arguing debating and not very much tact. Yeah, that was kind of more my teenage state. So let me just give a blanket apology right here and now to any and everyone I may have offended during that time. I wasn't really in my right mind. I know, I know, that's an excuse but it was kind of an extreme case. I've changed a lot.
I don't have to say everything I think now, that's a good thing! I'm not nearly as emotional, or confrontational, or argumentative. As I look back I think I was bored. For the first time in years I had energy and no pain so I wasn't content being at home with not much to do. Sigh. That sure isn't the case now.
My memory isn't what it used to be and don't even talk to me about mental math. Good grief, let's just say you'd better double check my counting when I'm playing a game. I would never cheat on purpose but sometimes my mental math is way off. :)
Obviously I can't have those treatments anymore so what have I been doing instead? Trial and error of different meds, elimination diets, etc. None have worked. This week I go for my first set of Botox injections for migraines. Yep, you read that right, Botox. I'm really quite nervous about it. You see, it isn't just one shot in the forehead, it's a set of 31 shots on both sides of your head, face, and neck. Shudder! Here's a link if you want to check it out: https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/news/20101018/fda-approves-botox-to-treat-chronic-migraines#1
And it has to be done every 3 months. Not too excited about this but I'm getting desperate right about now.
Don't even get me started on how difficult it is to get pain medication! Let me just say this...as if chronic pain isn't hard enough to deal with now those of us with it get to make a copay and go to the pharmacy EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK! https://www.reuters.com/article/us-walmart-opioids/walmart-to-restrict-opioid-dispensing-at-its-pharmacies-idUSKBN1I81YH
In all seriousness, I'm even considering this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1N_cn-hcuA
Now you see how desperate I am...OUCH! But I'll give this Botox a go first. I've been told it could take "a couple rounds" before you can tell if it helps and even then it usually only reduces migraines by half. A one time daith piercing sounds tame in comparison, doesn't it?
I'll try to do better at keeping you updated.