I shared an article on FB about Trump not taking away the LGBTQ's rights. In response a friend sent me this link:
This is too long to share on a FB post AND I don't want anyone to say I was shoving my opinion in their face so I am posting my response here on my blog. That way you can keep on scrolling and/or click away if you don't like it or are offended. Let me be clear, my intent is not to offend! I personally don't know why everyone seems to get so offended so easily but that seems to be the case. I'm just voicing my opinion in response to this article. I understand a lot of people are grieving. I'm now taking the opportunity to share why I am "celebrating". I wouldn't really even call it celebrating for me personally. I'd say I'm more hopeful but I'd say Republicans in general are more in a celebratory mood and they deserve to be.
So here you go, my response is in red:
Here’s Why We Grieve
Here’s Why We Celebrate Today
I don’t think you understand us right now.
I think you think this is about
I think you believe this is all just
sour grapes; the crocodile tears of the losing locker room with the
scoreboard going against us at the buzzer.
I don’t think you understand us right now.
I think you think this is about
I think you believe this is all just a
victory dance; the fist pumps of the winning locker room with the
scoreboard shining for us at the buzzer.
I can only tell you that you’re wrong. This is not about losing an election.This isn’t about not winning a contest. This is about two very different ways of seeing the world.
I can only tell you that you’re wrong. This is not about winning an election. This isn’t about not losing a contest. This is about two very different ways of seeing the world.
Hillary supporters believe in a diverse America; one where
religion or skin color or sexual orientation or place of birth aren’t
liabilities or deficiencies or moral defects. Her campaign was one of inclusion and connection and
interdependency. It was about building bridges and breaking ceilings. It was about going high.
America was also about giving perks to those who pay. It rewarded dreamers who
did not follow rules (the laws of American immigration) and allowed illegal
immigrants to cut line over those who did try to obey the law. It supported
women’s rights but not viable infant’s rights. Her campaign was shown to be one
of secret supporters, manipulation, actors/rioters paid to cause dissent and
discord against the opposition.
Trump supporters believe in a very
selective America; one that is largely white and straight and Christian, and
the voting verified this. America is largely straight and Christian and the voting verified
this. Most Americans have never made any assertion otherwise and are trying to
make it clear that they are tired of being told gender is fluid, pronouns are
fluid, Christianity is wrong, the Constitution needs to be changed, and we are
deplorable and uneducated for feeling the way we do. Donald
Trump has never made any assertions otherwise. He ran a campaign of fear and exclusion and
isolation—and that’s the vision of the world those who voted for him
have endorsed. Donald Trump’s campaign was of
safety. A border with immigration laws that would be enforced. Background
checks that would be thorough and vetted. That’s the vision of the America
those who voted for him have endorsed.
They have aligned with the
wall-builder and the professed p*ssy-grabber, and they have co-signed his
body of work, regardless of the reasons they give for their vote:
Every horrible thing Donald Trump
ever said about women or Muslims or people of color has now been validated.
Every profanity-laced
press conference and every call to bully protestors and every ignorant diatribe
has been endorsed.Every piece of anti-LGBTQ
legislation Mike Pence has championed has been signed-off on.
This is not about one
candidate over the other.
It’s not about one’s ideas
over another’s.
It is not blue vs. red.
It’s not her emails vs. his bad language.
It’s not her dishonesty vs. his indecency.
It’s about religion being
It’s about crassness and
vulgarity and disregard for women.
It’s about a barricaded,
militarized, bully nation.
It’s about
an unapologetic, open-faced ugliness.
Half of our country has declared
these things acceptable, noble,American.
This is the disconnect and the source of our grief today. It isn’t a political defeat that we’re lamenting, it’s a
defeat for Humanity.
We’re not angry that our candidate
lost. We’re angry because our candidate’s losing means this
country will be less safe, less kind, and less available to a huge segment of
its population, and that’s just the truth.
Those who have always felt vulnerable
are now left more so. Those whose voices have been silenced will be further quieted. Those who always felt marginalized will be pushed further to the
periphery. Those
who feared they were seen as inferior now have confirmation in actual
Those things have essentially
been campaign promises of Donald Trump, and so many of our fellow citizens
have said this is what they want too.
Half of our
country has voiced that we are ready to make a stand against illegal
immigration, about common sense genetics, about maturity and agreeing to
disagree. We feel safe again because we are not having to pay our taxes to
support people who do not belong here. Not because of the color of their skin
or because of their religion but because they are here illegally. We feel safe again because we have a leader who isn’t
being paid secretly from special interest groups or from foreign governments
who, by the way, throw gay people off buildings and don’t even allow women to
drive. We feel safe again to properly call people Him and Her, He and She,
instead of having to call people a Ze or Zit. We feel safe in knowing our 2nd
Amendment rights will not be stripped. We feel safe knowing refugees will be vetted
more stringently instead of allowing people in who openly state they hate our
country and our own FBI states they cannot properly do background checks on all
of them. This is what Donald Trump promised in his campaign and this is what so
many of our fellow citizens want too.
This has never been about politics.
This IS
about politics.
This IS
about one’s ideas over another’s, the ideas of where America is headed.
This is
about who will be appointed to the Supreme Court.
This is about
more big government versus a smaller government.
This is about
more taxes or less.
This is
about more Big Brother or less. More gun rules or more enforcing what is
already on the books.
This IS
about her emails, her dishonesty, her lack of prosecution and the American
people tired of the double standard.
This IS
about the American people tired of the lies, the deceit, the behind doors politicking
going on that affects our lives and the money involved.
This is
about our money being wasted. Any money the government uses is OUR money. We
are tired of it being taken and used and wasted without a say in it. We are
tired of it being given to people who should work for it themselves and/or for
people who don’t deserve it. If you are in America illegally, you DO NOT DESERVE
This is
about mandatory health care that is outrageously expensive and was a bunch of
lies from the get go.
It’s about overt racism and hostility
toward minorities.
And it is not only that these
things have been ratified by our nation that grieve us; all
this hatred, fear, racism, bigotry, and intolerance—it’s knowing
that these things have been amen-ed by our neighbors, our families,
our friends, those we work with and worship alongside. That is the most horrific thing of all. We now know how close this is.
It feels like living in enemy
territory being here now, and there’s no way around that. We wake up today in a home we no longer recognize. We are grieving the loss of a place we used to love but no
longer do. This may be America today but it is not the America
we believe in or recognize or want.
This is not about a difference of political opinion, as that’s far
too small to mourn over. It’s about a fundamental difference in how we view the worth of
all people—not just those who look or talk or think or vote the way we do.
Grief always laments what might have
been, the future we were robbed of, the tomorrow that we won’t get to see,
and that is what we walk through today. As a nation we had an opportunity to affirm the beauty of our
diversity this day, to choose ideas over sound bytes, to let everyone know
they had a place at the table, to be the beacon of goodness and
decency we imagine that we are—and we said no.
The Scriptures say that weeping
endures for a night but joy comes in the morning. We can’t see that dawn coming any time soon.
And this is why we grieve.
Mourning is a process, we
understand because we’ve dealt with it. You’ll go through the stages and you’ll
survive. The good news is that “the winners” are better winners than you are “losers”.
Notice the difference 8 years has made. There was no rioting, no burning flags,
no disrupting the peace and blocking traffic, no shouting obscenities at high
school and college campuses when Obama was elected president. There was fear
but maturity.
Do some research. The media has clouded you with a lot of
negativity. Go back and look at Donald Trump before he was a candidate. You
will find many flattering and uplifting pieces about him as a businessman,
about his dealings with people of color, homosexuals, etc. He is firm but fair.
No, he isn’t the best example of a gentleman but can you say that Bill Clinton
was, either? Can you say that Hillary Clinton is the best example of honesty
and integrity? You’ll still need to be the parent in your home and teach family
values, no politician will ever take your place. Stop buying into the hysteria
and propaganda. Fear sells. Sex sells. Scandal sells.
Do you want kindness, acceptance, neighborhoods that are friendly
and welcoming? Stay where you are and keep doing what you are doing. If you
weren’t in enemy territory before you won’t be in enemy territory now. Your
neighborhood hasn’t changed unless you as community members do. Eight years ago
our neighborhoods didn’t change overnight, either. We learned firsthand that our
friends were still our friends if we treated them the same. You’ll see the same
Stop the fear-mongering. Take it one day at a time and you’ll be
surprised at how resilient we can be.