My favorite debater was a boy named Nick. (Why am I friends on FB with his younger brothers but not him?) I think we all called him Nicky until he got older, that's how long I knew him. He lived about 20 minutes away but we went to church together so we saw each other AT LEAST twice a week for Primary activities and Sunday School. All the way through high school.
Now Nick and I were never more than friends but we would debate (pretend argue) over EVERYTHING. Why? I don't know but we sure had fun doing it. Drove our leaders crazy. No one ever won or lost because we really didn't care about the subject. You know how that goes? Maybe you don't have siblings or something but that's how Nick and I were.
It may have been late middle school or so another boy moved into the area. His name was Ryan and if I recall correctly he liked to debate with us, too. Again, never any romantic intentions (we weren't picking on/arguing with each other because we had crushes...or at least I sure didn't!), just fun. FYI: When I was pregnant with my first boy I really considered naming him Ryan Nicholas. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Anyway, I went off to college, got married, had a family, and I guess I got so caught up with life that I dropped that debating "skill". Then all I ever wanted was peace and quiet.
But now...oh man! Is it hormones? Is it being released from chronic pain because of the treatment? Or is it because the chronic pain is returning? I don't know but my arguing, I mean debating, skills are back in full force!
You know my BF (best friend) who unfriended me on FB (Facebook)? She and I still email so no worries, blog friends. (Hmm, guess I can't call you BFs since that one is already taken.) She did that because I was getting too political and too "debatish?" for her tastes. Well, today she sent me an email and said she had time to catch up on my blog. Her only description...Interesting. I kinda think that is another 4 letter word like FINE. That means nothing to me. But OK. We'll talk about other things that make us both happy. Being happy is better than debating...especially if it keeps you your BF.
I've learned to tone it down with my hubby, my BFF. We are totally on the same page about most things anyway. But whoa Nelly! Now I'm getting into it with my brother! On FB! Getting into what, Lisa? Debating. That's what I'll call it. It almost always start with politics and then I move it into religion. The two are so intertwined to me. Almost everything intertwines with religion to me nowadays. I like it. If you don't, you'd better stop reading now. Because I figured I'd share some more of FB debates. (Remember, that is how I do a lot of my socializing since I'm kinda limited as to things physicality wise.)
My point is this...I don't mean to argue. I REALLY do mean to least Ryan Nicholas style. Hopefully that makes sense to everyone.
Lisa Peart shared Q107 Toronto's photo.
A concept some people can't grasp