Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It doesn't matter what you think

What a way to shut down conversation, "It doesn't matter what you think or I don't care what you think." Sometimes the truth hurts, though. If you aren't willing to take the time and effort to vote, it really DOESN'T matter what you think! At least not to me.

Let me explain why I feel that way. First off, especially to women out there, do you even realize the pain, suffering, persecution, yada, yada, yada, that earlier women went through to fight to get you the opportunity to vote? This is one of the many things that we take for granted now a days yet we shouldn't. Do you know how many women throughout the world are STILL fighting for this opportunity? We're a bit ungrateful to shrug and say to ourselves, "Nah, I don't feel like going out today or The lines are too long and I don't want to wait."

Men, you aren't off the hook. Do you know how many men throughout the world would love to have the opportunity to vote? To let their voices be heard? Don't take our rights and privileges for granted, folks!

Second, everybody and their dog has plenty to say about politics in America today. "We should or shouldn't be doing that or That's so wrong or We need to do better about this." Whether or not I agree with you is irrelevant. You are welcome to your opinion just like I am welcome to mine. But if you aren't willing to stand up for what you believe in, who cares? You're just blowing hot air. If you want change then start being proactive and make your voice heard. One way to do that is by voting.

So what if your vote doesn't "win"? You at least tried. You stood up and were counted. You made a difference in that you showed others that you CARE.

If you don't care, OK then. You have the right to stay home, too. You have the right to whine and complain about the affairs of America, too, but I personally don't want to hear it. I feel like you are part of the problem. Whiners sitting around complaining and expecting others to take care of the problems for you. You want change? Get out and do a little something about it.

Yes, yesterday was voting day in Texas. You better believe I stood in line and waited my turn. Did I love the standing and waiting? Nope. Did I love being able to vote? You bet!

Do you feel guilty about not voting? Good! Do something about it next time. Then you can at least say you tried and I don't mind listening to your views. They matter (and count) if you vote. They are just hot air if you don't.

:)  That's my public service announcement for the day. Have a good one and God bless America!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

SMH (Shaking My Head)

I haven't felt too well today (headache) so I've not been able to do very much. That has left me time to reflect and I guess when I don't feel good I reflect on more troublesome issues.

America is dealing with some troublesome times if you ask me. People all over the world are dealing with troublesome issues. From the beginning of time we've dealt with hunger, natural disasters, greed, pride, poverty, etc. and we always will. It's sad but true.

Technology has made things too easy for us. We don't have to farm for our own food. We don't have to get our hands dirty, we hire other people to do those things for us if we can. We don't even have to gather, store, and/or cook our own food! We don't have to make our own clothes, build our own houses, and on and on and on. We start thinking we are too good for those menial tasks and besides, we don't know how to do those things anyway because we don't HAVE to anymore. Ask kids where food comes from and they'll say "the store". Ask them where clothes come from, "the store", where toys come from "the store", etc. There are stores for any and everything!

So while we have idle hands we make up things for us to do. We now have to walk on a treadmill to get exercise because we have cars to take us wherever we go. We have to stop eating food because we have so much in front of us. We keep ourselves up too late because modern technology entertains us whenever and/or wherever we are. We throw away perfectly good things because we just have too much. We keep buying things we don't really need (and we probably don't even really want them a week later) just because we CAN.

Now of course this isn't everyone in America but I'd say the majority of us. Yes, even the "poor" among us has cell phones and more than just a day or two of clothes. Wouldn't you agree?

We've become "too smart" for our own good. We begin to put down others because they aren't as "smart" as us. We start feeling we are the most important thing in life and we forget that mankind needs to work together. Here in America we start arguing over politics and every little thing. For crying out loud, Americans are arguing over basic science now a days because we think we can change biology! No lie, mature adults can not understand the biology of gender! Do you realize how much time and money is wasted in politics because new technology and drugs can help people "change" their sex? Politicians have to define what anatomy constitutes males vs females. Come on folks, kids realize and learn this before kindergarten!

This "trans" nonsense is driving me crazy! Look, everyone I've talked to has personal body issues. We all have things at one time or another we wish we could change about our bodies. Hundreds of years ago the technology didn't exist so you dealt with it. Today we can change deformities, cure diseases and conditions that were lethal not long ago, and even prevent a lot of pain and sickness. But we've taken that good technology too far.

Don't like your nose? Have it changed. Don't like your boobs? Have them changed. Don't like your teeth? Have them changed. Don't like your Adam's apple? Have is shaved down. Heck, you can make yourself look like Barbie dolls with enough plastic surgery now a days and some people actually do!

Don't like your gender? Change it. Whoa! Right here we've gone too far. I'm sorry some people (and it's relatively few btw) are so self conscious or so disappointed or confused about their body that they are willing to disfigure themselves and take tons of hormones to change their complete look and build. I'm sorry they can't find peace and happiness with themselves. But just because they have this personal trial doesn't mean I have to accept their choices!

Why should I, with my own self consciousness about my figure or whatever, have to allow a man into the women's locker room because he "identifies" as a woman? He might feel like he should be "one of the girls" but hello, he isn't! He makes me feel uncomfortable having him in there and many other women feel the same way. Why should the rest of us have to feel even more uncomfortable because he doesn't want to change in front of guys? It's HIS personal trial, why are politicians making HIS problem mine? Why do they justify his insecurities by telling him it's OK to "identify" where he clearly shouldn't?

Now I know many people don't agree with me here and may think I'm heartless or uncaring or whatever. That's OK. I've had a transgendered person sit me down and talk for hours explaining what the process is like and how much happier "she" is now. I personally think it's selfish of "her" to divorce "her" wife (when she was a he), leave his daughter, and then try to find happiness in a sex change. Now "she" is a lesbian and was married to a woman. (If you identify as a female why are you not attracted to men like most other females are?) They had a daughter together but they've recently divorced. Hey you, I'm glad you're happy now but your happiness has come at a great cost to the others of your family. You've now "parented" two children who are raised in divorced homes and don't have the benefit of two parents...a dad and a mom. Not to mention your ex and your birth family.

This is sad to me. It's also sad that statistics show that she is much more likely to slip into unhappiness and take her own life. Not because of the other people around her but I think it's more because she is trying to live a life other than her biology. You can change the outside but you can't change your DNA. You can look like a woman and identify yourself as one but you never can be a woman!

Why is modern day America even arguing over this? Because we have too much time on our hands, too much "knowledge" and technology so that we think we can play God. We think we know everything and are more enlightened when really we're being foolish and playing with fire.

I'm sure the politicians love it btw. We fight over stupid stuff so we don't pay attention to the things that matter so much more.

It's sad.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Making lemonade (or lemon slushies)

When life hands you lemons you make lemonade, right? That's what I've been trying to do this month...make lemonade. I got stuck in the huge snow storm up in the East so I'll say it was more like lemon slushies :)  Get ready for lots of pictures!

We've been remodeling our 1920's farm house in Virginia. It's pretty slow going and my mom (who has lived there for a year and a half) has had to be out of the house for the past 4 months. The construction crew were supposed to be finished by Christmas so I was going to fly out there to help my mom move back in. Now, folks, we are only getting the kitchen and bathrooms remodeled, the painting and such is having to go room by room as the funds become available. I'm not going to bash the construction crew on this post because of course they weren't done and there were lots of things they did incorrectly. Instead, I'm going to show you some impressive before and afters.

 The bathrooms: Full bathrooms, yes, but you could literally sit on the toilet and wash your hands in the sink at the same time! The light switch was inside the shower but hey, this house was from the 1920's so be glad it had indoor bathrooms, right?!

We got rid of everything and instead of a bathtub we put in a shower with a linear drain.

One of the bedrooms was converted into a master bathroom. It is awesome but I don't have pictures to show you quite yet.

The original hardwood floors: Instead of radiator heating, we had those removed and put in central air. The floors were original but needed refinishing. They are gorgeous!

And my ultimate favorite...the kitchen!

No, we won't be leaving the walls the burnt orange color and we still have a few cabinets that need to be painted. I'll have to show you pictures of the mud room another time, too.

Now for reality...moving Mom back in. Here's what the basement looks like and those nice empty living and dining rooms!

All the boxes went in the basement while the furniture is piled into the front rooms. Things will be moved room by room as they are finished being painted. But look! Mom's bedroom was painted first (fresh cut grass) so we were able to get her set up. She is polishing up the original hardware and they are looking great.

The weather was nice when I first got there, though much colder than I was used to. I drove around the property on the ATV and took some pictures of the pond freezing over.

But then it started to snow. I had fun doing doughnuts in the pasture but it just kept snowing!

 And snowing! So much snow that all air travel was cancelled. I ended up staying an extra three days!

The neighbor boy was my partner in the slushy making business. He and I went and played in the snow. We tried sledding down the hill but the snow was too deep and powdery. We tried making a snowman but it wasn't good snow for that, either. Here's my Jabba the Hut impersonation. :)  What was really great fun was me rednecking his plastic sled behind the ATV with a long extension cord and pulling him in the tracks. My mom said she could hear me laughing all the way in the house. The poor kid was being plowed into the sides and completely covered in snow! We drove over and over to make bigger tracks and then we had some success. The main road had been plowed hours earlier and it still had plenty of snow and ice. That was the best way to sled, being dragged 15 miles an hour behind the ATV down the road!

Let me tell you, folks, it wasn't all fun and games. This is what Mom's car looked like. And the long driveway.

We kept getting stuck in the driveway so sometimes we parked on the street. Other times we kept trying to make paths with the ATV and we were pretty successful with that since Mom's car has 4 wheel drive. We also had to bring out the good old fashioned shovel and shovel walking spaces around the car. Can I just tell you that it's been YEARS since I've had to shovel snow?

And last but not least, I was able to drive my brother in law's Humvee around the mountain on his farm. That was a first!

So, you see, I'm still trying to choose happiness when things don't go as planned. The house still isn't finished but Mom is finally in. The snow was cold and thwarted my plans to get home to my family but I did have fun in it. And yesterday I was able to get home.

(And did I mention that there is no TV or internet at the house in Virginia right now? I missed that almost as much as I missed my hubby.)

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Welcome 2016!

"Hello, it's me... Hello, can you hear me?..." I know it's been a long time but I am still here, being happy as best I can. (Can I just take a minute and tell you that someone needs to kindly take Adele aside and tell her to stop calling already? There's this thing called screening calls and if she has called a thousand times without an answer, it's not by accident. Move on, Adele. You're really being quite stalkerish.)

As for me and my house, we've been busy. Busy with the holidays, busy with life. I've spent some time reflecting as the end of the year came along. I'm not setting a bunch of new year resolutions. Sure, I could definitely stand to lose a few pounds, keep my house cleaner, yada yada yada, but in the long run my biggest goal is to choose happiness in whatever comes my way. Why make myself and those left at home miserable by me dieting and nagging them to help keep the house straightened up? Does that really matter in the long run? We'll all be happier if I get some chocolate and I have a place to leave crafts out that I am working on. Everyone else in my family is happier if they can have some comfort foods and a place to leave some of their hobbies out, too. If people visiting need room, we'll scoot stuff over and clean it off then. I'm not worried about trying to convince people I have a model home when I clearly do not. I'm not worried about trying to convince people that my figure is so important that I actually adhere to a strict diet and exercise to keep that killer body. As if I could ever pull that off! Ha Ha, no way! I'll bake my cake and eat it, too, as long as I stay healthy and happy. Moderation in all things, folks.

Since happiness is my focus, here is one thing I've been thinking about...the saying that money can't buy happiness. I'm not sure I agree with that and here is why. Not having enough money to buy the necessities makes life miserable for me. I'm always stressing about where the money will come to pay the bills, buy supplies, etc. That does not make me feel happy. It actually brings on fibromyalgia flares from all the stress. When I feel secure in our finances I have less stress which tends to equal less physical and emotional pain and therefore, I am much happier. 

Now let me say right here that my husband provides very well for our family and I don't really have to stress about the necessities. We have enough for our needs and most of the time for our wants, too. This year we paid for our daughter's wedding, we support two sons on missions, we are remodeling our house in VA, and we took a Christmas trip to Disneyworld. All of that money spent is buying some real happiness for me. Happy times, happy memories, a beautiful updated kitchen, etc. 

So yeah, money can buy a lot of happiness. But here is the point I think that saying is trying to make, money can't buy true joy. In my mind, happiness is the here and now. This moment in time that can not last forever. Reality will come back as you must go back to the grind of day to day life. The Disney vacation will come to its end. The wedding reception will be over and the newlyweds are off to start their own happily ever after. The big happy making moment is over so can you now still be joyful in the quiet time? The cleaning, laundry, back to your job/school/motherhood day to day life? 

God says that "men are that they may have joy." I think that is the true test, how to find happiness and fulfillment in between the big spending times. THAT is what I am focusing on. I think I'm doing a pretty good job, if I do say so myself.

Those newlyweds came home to spend Christmas. We didn't spend a lot of money. We didn't have to buy the happiness. We found joy in spending time together by talking, playing games, cooking and eating our favorite foods, and watching tv and movies from home. Sure, I spent some money on gifts but I didn't go crazy spending extra money I don't really have to buy things that no one really needs. Having things and stuff does not bring me happiness. Using what I have and loving those people in my life bring me more joy.

For example, my favorite memory was Christmas day when both my missionary boys were able to skype home at the same time. I had all my children virtually in the same room at the same time. It's been years since that has happened! That brought me the most happiness and joy, not the gifts under the tree. 

No, the gifts left clean up and decisions of where to put the new stuff. Do I need to get rid of older stuff to make space? How can I best get rid of the old stuff to make way for the new? Do I sell it, give it away, toss it in the trash, or what? 

Do you see my point that having things does not necessarily bring happiness? It can bring more work and worry. Storing it, caring for it, keeping it functional, etc. True joy comes from being content with my life and the people in it. I can't bring all the stuff with me. It's the memories and love that I can and will bring everywhere I go. THOSE are what I'm trying to focus on this year.

I think a lot of people in this country and this world could find joy and happiness if they'd stop worrying about stuff and the race to acquire it. If they focused more on using what they already have to make themselves and others around them happy. To find joy in the here and now even though it isn't the Disney fairy tale life. 

I now know from experience that Disney isn't all it's cracked up to be. Sure, it's joyful and happy making for a while but it is a fairy tale. It isn't real life. And that's a good thing. If it WERE real life it would be expensive, tiring, and too much of a good thing. It would get real old real fast. 

I'm thankful for where I am now, who I am now, and those I have in my life right now. They are making me joyful and happy and it's my choice to continue finding it in the little things around me.

Happy 2016 everyone! Thank you for being a positive influence in my life!



Friday, November 20, 2015

My ten cents

Here's my ten cents on current affairs. You don't have to like it. You don't have to read it. You don't have to agree. It's MY current thoughts on current events that I am posting on MY blog. Read it if you want. Pass over it if you want. It's your choice.

If you don't know by now that I am a Mormon I'll assume you are new to my blog. Welcome! The LDS church is taking heat right now because they told the bishops and leaders specifically how to deal with the new politics of the world...homosexual marriage. This wasn't legal a few years ago. It wasn't an issue. Now it is and it needs to be addressed. There is also the issue of children of homosexual marriages and relationships. Do you let an 8 year old join a church when that church teaches that his parents are openly sinning? That the child's goal in life is to NOT do what his parents are doing?

Personally, I don't know why a parent would let their child be baptized into a religion that is teaching exactly opposite what I was teaching at home. I don't like it when schools do that and school is mandatory. Religion is not. Specifically, the LDS church is not mandatory. If you don't agree with the Church's teaching...don't join. There are plenty others out there. Even Christian churches that will agree with your choice of lifestyle. Go join them! Or not, it's up to you. The LDS church is very upfront about its stance...homosexual relationships are not condoned. Homosexual feelings are an entirely different issue. Heterosexual relationships outside of marriage are not condoned. Heterosexual feelings are an entirely different issue. Do you get the difference?

Telling a child they have to wait to join a church is different than telling a child they can NEVER join a church. Do you get the difference? There are many things our government tells children they can not do until they reach a certain age (smoking, drinking, driving, etc), things many children think they should be able to do when they feel they are ready. Sorry, kids. You have to wait. That doesn't mean you are bad kids, it doesn't mean you are immature, it doesn't mean anything against you as a child of God. It means you need to wait until you are a legal adult because that's just the way it is. Don't like it? Too bad.

Adults...God has said that all sexual relationships should be done in the bounds of marriage. That is what the LDS church teaches. If you don't agree, if you aren't willing to wait, or whatever...don't join this church! If you are already a member and won't/can't keep this commandment, you are sinning and need to fix the situation. If you don't/won't, you will no longer be able to be a member. Again, if this sounds harsh and unfair, too bad. See, everyone sins. All Mormons sin, all Christians sin, all Muslims sin, all atheists sin, EVERYONE sins. But it's like breaking man's laws, there are misdemeanors and felonies. Since we believe the family is the most important relationship in this life (other than your relationship with God) and you sin against it, you are committing a felony. Since there is no Mormon jail (remember, you don't HAVE to be here), you loose membership and the blessings that go with it if you keep doing this behavior. Some laws are NOT okay to repeatedly and openly break. This is one.

Guess what? If this religion is so important to you that you would do anything to stay a member, fix your sin and rejoin. It's totally voluntary. But we aren't going to change our principles because you have a hard time living one of them. Does this make sense? Some people may call this harsh. Why? Don't like it...leave. Can't live it...leave. You don't have to be here. Will I be sad to see you go? Of course! Do I love you any less? No. Does God love you any less? No. Am I going to kill you and shun you because you believe differently than me? Of course not! You might feel like I am acting this way but that's your take on it. Get over yourself. I choose to be happy my way, you choose your own happiness. Agree to disagree and move on with life. This is my take on this current event.

It leads into another current event...terrorism. See, this is tough for me because I do feel compassion for the people in war torn countries. I don't like to see them suffer. I don't like to see them killed because of power hungry people. But see, I don't like homosexuals being thrown off of buildings, either. I don't like women not being able to drive, being told rape is their fault, not being equal partners with their husbands, etc. I definitely don't want it being taught in my home, thus I'm not joining the Muslim religion. I don't believe in jihad and all these other terms I don't really know what they mean. I don't think all Muslim people feel this way but I don't really know.

See, I get the feeling that many Muslim principles are exclusive. They are more "join my way of thinking, do my way of things but if you don't/can't, you have to die." Does anyone else get that feeling? Of course there are radicals everywhere but there just seem to be a WHOLE LOT more Muslim radicals willing to blow themselves and everyone else up to get their point across. Mormon leaders don't teach this. Ever! We can agree to disagree.

I want to protect my family. I want to protect my country. I don't mind sharing but I do mind people wanting to come to my "home" and change my laws. My lifestyle. People who want me to give them stuff and aren't thankful for it. Instead they complain that they don't like the food, they want a TV, they want Internet, etc. Sorry, folks. When you have nothing be thankful for the generosity of those willing to share. Don't rape their women. Don't blow them up. If you really believe that is what your God wants/allows you to do, then we have fundamental differences. If you really believe that aide is your right, that bringing your way of living into my home and demanding that I bow down to it, you've got another thing coming. My house my rules. My country my rules.

Women are equal partners here in America. You don't rape them and then the woman gets in trouble for it. Women can drive. They can wear jeans. They can say what they want when they want and you don't have to like it or agree with it. Most American men have accepted this fact. Many Muslim men will never accept it because they are taught the opposite. It's just like joining a church. You don't HAVE to join. If you can't/won't live the principles being taught here in America...don't come.

And America, why do you want to invite people like this over? You've just fought to give equal rights to so many people with so many varying lifestyles. Do you really think Muslims would ever vote Caitlyn Jenner as Woman of the Year? (I think that's crap btw.) I think Muslims would tie his/her hands and throw her/him off a roof! Am I making sense here? Why invite trouble into your homes?

I'm no terrorist. I will tell you about my beliefs and why I feel the way I do but if you don't agree that is fine. You don't have to like me. You don't have to be my friend. (I can be friends because I'm pretty good at "do what makes you happy and I'll do what makes me happy." BHiBTBS) I'll say what I feel because I'm allowed. I'll fight to keep that right btw. I'll fight if you threaten me or mine. I won't threaten to blow you up if you don't join my church. I won't threaten to blow you up if you don't like me. I won't threaten to blow you up unless you start threatening my home. Then watch out. You REALLY don't want to come to my home and start threatening me. That goes for my country, too.

I just wish more American politicians loved my country and wanted to keep my freedoms safe. I'm  no longer sure they do. I think they are too worried about hurting peoples feelings. About being politically correct. Why? Why invite trouble into our country? Be it Muslim radicals, illegal immigrants, etc. Why would you hand over the freedoms we fight so hard to keep? It makes no sense to me. I really don't think I'm being selfish by saying this. I feel like I'm being a realist.

And that, friends, is my ten cents. I choose to be happy and make the best of my situation. I wish more people would live this way.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


I've got an HOA in my neighborhood. I probably take it for granted. I'm sure it does good things. It has to, right? So many neighborhoods have them. They keep the place maintained, decorate at holidays, tell people what they can and can not do to keep the value of your neighborhood high. Right? That's what they tell you. That's what you hope they are doing since you have to pay them fees every year.

But see, I think HOAs are also made up of board members with too much time on their hands. Or people who are power hungry and like telling other people what to do. Or people who delight in conflict and getting involved in business that isn't theirs. Because I'm dealing with an HOA right now that is driving me crazy!

They don't think people with disabilities should be able to rent a house in their neighborhood. Some in the community think it is a half way house and that scares them. They don't like it that a business is being run in their neighborhood. What they won't consider is that people with lower IQs need around the clock help even when they are adults and want some independence.

In my case, I am renting a home to a company that finds housing for people with lower IQs. The neighborhood HOA says a business can't be run out of the home. OK. The business isn't being run out of that home. The business is run somewhere else, this is just where the two fellas live. But the HOA doesn't like that.

So they say it is a single family neighborhood. Yeah? The bylaws say that two non familial people can live in the same house. It even says they can have a caretaker visit them. These two men have a caretaker coming in throughout the day to help them. The caretaker doesn't live at the house. So what's the problem?

I then get thrown back the "you can't run a business out of your home." I'd bet you there are plenty of Ebay businesses being run out of homes in that neighborhood. I'd bet there are plenty of hairdressers cutting hair out of their home. I'd even bet there are people who work from home in that neighborhood. But the HOA doesn't try to give them the boot from the neighborhood.

I've lost my temper a couple of times on the phone with both the property management company and the HOA board member. She, the board member, actually hung up on me after saying I'd hear from her lawyer. Nice, huh? Here's the problem, though. They send me letters every 5 days saying I'm breaking the bylaws and after the third letter they will start charging me fines.

Apparently they want me to come to their board meeting and present my case to the board. However, they scheduled it when I will be out of town. Instead of trying to reschedule at a convenient time for me, I get hung up on and told I'll hear from their lawyer. Oops, HOA lady, the manager lady already let it slip that you don't have a lawyer. But hey, let's use those HOA funds that everyone pays for a lawyer. I've advised my tenant to do the same for her business...that she runs out of HER house, not my rental property. The Texas Association of Realtors agrees with me, btw. They've given me a lawyer to suggest to my tenant. Who knows if she'll want to fight it, though.

That saddens me. You want to know what else saddens me but makes me laugh at the same time? This story from today in my very own neighborhood. As I was leaving to run errands I stopped to take a picture of the ugliest lawn ornament I've seen in a long time. Here it is:

That pink flamingo is so large they have to anchor it because it's blown over a time or two. Not my decorating style, to be sure. Also to be sure, people in my own neighborhood are going to be offended by what I say here. Yeah, well, that's nothing new to me. Because as I was peering through the cast iron fence to zoom in and take this picture (my car was across the street at the community mail box) a neighbor out for her morning walk asked if I lived here. I said Yes and she said she didn't have time to stop and talk but that flamingo is causing BIG trouble in this neighborhood. BIG TROUBLE.

I raised my eyes and said, "Really?"

Apparently LOTS of people in the neighborhood don't like it and insisted that the homeowner take it down. It was down for a while but (Gasp!) He. Put. It. Back. Up! And now people are raging mad! BIG TROUBLE she tells me. She keeps on huffing and puffing on her walk and I tell her I just think it's funny. Then I get in my car and drive away.

On my way back I came home that same way so I could drive by and stop and take another picture. Maybe this will explain why this flamingo is such BIG TROUBLE. Because this is the back yard in which it is found:

Folks, I'll never be able to afford a house like this. It's got a pool, a gazebo, and even a pond with a fountain as it sits on the golf course. It's probably worth millions of dollars. You also don't see the swing set and other lawn ornaments they have. And this is the BACK of the house! People come and sit at the pond because it's part of the golf course (though they use grey water so it stinks sometimes) and they like to spend time fishing in it. Turtles swim and sun themselves at the pond, sometimes there are ducks, and I suppose there are fish but I doubt they are any big. It's just a fun spot to take pictures and relax. It's a beautiful background. Until you see the ugly flamingo, I guess.

So this is my beef, Really neighbors? A wealthy family with young kids isn't allowed to have bad taste in lawn ornamentation? It's really none of your business. You don't like it? Too bad. Don't put one up in YOUR back yard. Apparently this homeowner DOES like it. Guess what? It's HIS back yard! He can put up whatever he wants. YOU don't have to like it. There is nothing offensive about it. YOU, neighbors, need to get a sense of humor. YOU, neighbors, are the one making this such a BIG DEAL. I don't want my HOA money going to bother this homeowner. 

Get a life! You must have too much time and not enough real worries in your rich part of the neighborhood over there. This is the same place that recently was on the news for having a wild "herd" of emus running around. I'm not kidding! That was super cute for someone to video tape. Apparently a huge pink flamingo is an eye sore. If it hurts your eyes, turn them somewhere else. Maybe to the dust and crap in your own house that other people don't like. Oh wait, that's their problem because it's YOUR house and you can decorate it however you want!

And that right there, folks, is why you don't want me as your neighbor. I'll tell you I really don't care if you don't like both the interior and/or exterior "decorating" I do. I'll probably just laugh and tell you I think it's funny that my DECORATIONS are causing BIG TROUBLE in the neighborhood. And then, maybe, I'll turn around and ask you if you hear that dog that is forever barking? You know...YOUR dog!?! Hmm, maybe I should call the HOA!   :)

Saturday, October 31, 2015

5+ months later

I thought I'd take a few today and update anyone interested. It's been over 5 months since my treatment and my life has changed in many ways...for the good. It's changed in many ways for my immediate family, too, and I'll speak for them and say it's good for them now, too. It's different, that's for sure!

My first treatment was at Thanksgiving time last year. The decrease in migraines and fibromyalgia pain lasted approximately 6 weeks at most. My last one, the game changer, was in May of this year and I'm still having pain reduction. It worked! Right? Yeah, I guess. It's just the other side effects I wasn't counting on...the loss of memory, the lower IQ, the changes in personality kind of stuff.

I must be pretty persistent when I want to be because I've now relearned how to subtract by 7s (who knew that would have been such a specific memory loss? Crazy!) and I'm pretty good again at balancing the checkbook. It takes a little bit longer but hey, I make time for what's important.

I've got calculators and online/automated calendars to help me remember important things. Who really remembers phone numbers anymore anyway? They are preprogrammed into your phone or you look them up real quick online. I keep scratch paper and pens by the phone and ask people to repeat the message if I can't understand what they are saying. No biggie. (That isn't new by the way. I've always had a hard time understanding different accents...even when people are speaking English!)

I've relearned or gotten my taste buds back to normal so I now can taste when things are spicy. I'm no longer fooled into thinking prunes tastes as sweet as Costco chocolate cake. I definitely have food preferences again...though I do still eat a larger variety of things. I'm willing to TRY a lot more foods and give them a chance.

Part of that last bit is because I've realized I just don't enjoy cooking that much anymore. Is this caused by the treatment? Because of my hubby's stricter diet? Because I don't have a large family at home anymore? Or just because I can afford to buy more premade stuff now? I don't really know. I LIKE trying healthy foods and I don't mind tasting them. I know eating organic and nonGMO and non high fructose corn syrup, etc, is supposed to be better for you (though I guess I'm one of the fortunate few that can eat whatever and still stay under 200 pounds) but I'm just not willing to make that a priority in my life. For many reasons. When/if I ever DO need to worry about it (see the 200+ lbs), I'll make myself miserable like so many other people sound, when that time comes. Right now, BHiBTBslim. BHis being comfortable and being thankful for the health I have.

Since I don't have constant headaches I have more energy...and probably because I'm not on all those drugs. Almost all of my previous prescriptions had fatigue as a side effect. Now don't misunderstand, I do still have fibromyalgia with it's chronic fatigue but being sleepy is different than the total exhaustion I felt before.

This summer I was not noticing the fibro symptoms at all. That's when I did crazy things like the Tarzan rope swing into the pond (for which my middle fingers are still paying the price). When I got back from VA and tried to start running around the neighborhood and going to a church zumba class I quickly learned again that the treatment was only going to treat the symptoms of fibro, not take it away. Yeah. There is a reason they say low impact and more stretching when you have this condition!

But I walk around the neighborhood a lot. Dave and I walk together a lot. That is great! I especially love it now that it is getting cooler. I'm mowing the yard...and if you don't know what our yard looks like you should be impressed because we took our riding lawn mower to VA and now it all has to be done by hand. My teenagers used to fight over who got to mow the back yard (riding lawn mower) vs the front (push mower). I do it all. (Sorry, Dave has to do weeding, fixing any/all sprinkler heads I ruin, and you can forget blowing the grass off the sidewalk. I mow. Period.) {Hmm, I'm proud of myself and I know we shouldn't compare ourselves to others but in all fairness I've gotta mention my new friend, Marie. I met her this summer in VA and she is amazing! She is in her 90's and mows her lawn by herself. She only uses the riding lawn mower for the "fields" which are acres worth and she uses her push mower for probably close to an acre that is right around the house. And part of that acre is on a super steep incline that you can't even ride a riding lawn mower on! But hey, since I'm not comparing myself and my accomplishments to someone else...this is just a shout out. Hey Marie! You rock!}

Another thing we've all noticed around here is that now that I no longer have constant headaches I have started singing and dancing again. I think that it's great, my immediate family...not always so much. Apparently my singing and dancing skills are lacking in today's society but again, since I don't want to compare myself against anyone else...I say who cares? I'm having fun. I'm happy. Like it or live with it. The new me is here and this is all I've got so I'm gonna have fun with my time I've got to enjoy it. (I advise that for everyone. BHiBTBS, or popular, or rich, or whatever.)

Well, I still talk a lot. I'm still loud. I still say whatever I'm thinking and it's not always the correct thing to say. I even screamed last night when I was awoken by a huge clap of thunder that shook the whole house! I said I was sorry to my hubby, I was "scartled", and could I help it that then he couldn't get back to peaceful sleep? I put in my earplugs and was just fine! :)

Don't you wish you could be in my immediate family and enjoy the new me? Maybe. Maybe not. But whatever. My daughter's friends are going to get to experience me in fine form because we are having a dozen teenagers over for a BBQ tonight. Who cares that it's Halloween? That we've had some of the worse floods in recorded TX history this weekend? It's smoked ribs and jalapeno poppers and Costco chocolate cake and all kinds of good stuff over here tonight! BE JEALOUS!

And have fun. And stay safe if you are in Texas. Flash floods and tornadoes are real. Have fun trick or treating...I'm handing out full sized candy bars so stop by! BHiBTBS and having fun with your life is the way to go!