Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Rednecking at its finest!

I married a redneck and I love it! You guys, really, I am so impressed by my husband and his brother. Jonathan came for the weekend to help David install the lights in his shop. Unfortunately the tallest ladder we have was not tall enough or sturdy enough for two grown men to use. If you look in the background of this picture you can see what I’m talking about; it's propped up against the wall. So you know what these guys did? They turned an old pallet and some extra lumber we had lying around into a basket that they strapped on to a farm tractor. Btw, this farm tractor is not ours, it belongs to another brother. 

Can I just tell you how proud I was of myself for driving this tractor over to our house? It's a stick shift but it’s got air conditioning in there you guys! I did get a few double takes from some men who were pulled over on the side of the road directing traffic, I think it’s because they weren’t expecting to see a woman driving that beast. Ha ha, I loved it! As one of my daughters would say, I got to add some points to my man card. :) To give you some perspective of the size of this thing, here is me (trying to avoid the cow poop because this is a farm tractor after all.)

You know I had to try out the lift, here’s proof I went up in it one time. Let’s just say I don’t like heights and there is no way I was going up and down in that thing all day.

I helped by documenting the day and being the gopher…you know, making trips back and forth to get stuff they needed. (In full honesty I have to admit I made all those trips on the 4 wheeler because come on, I do have fibromyalgia so I can’t overdo it physically without paying a high physical pain cost. It’s my way of modern day “farming”…minus the animals.)

Here’s a picture of the men at work and the job completed. (I added a video to Facebook if you want to watch it and see how David got in and out of that basket. Shudder!)

I hate to admit that an animal was harmed in the day’s adventure (and both guys drew blood on fingers but they were patched up with band aids so nbd.) This is probably TMI but its reality. I was helping them sweep up at the end of the day when I saw this on the shop floor:

It’s a newborn rabbit I think. Of course no momma rabbit was anywhere near all the noise and commotion and no way would she choose a concrete floor to give birth. I did notice a rabbit strangely close to our garage near the house every time I went outside. The only thing I can think is that she gave birth in some tall grass near there and I must have accidently run over her nest on one of my 4 wheeler trips. This little baby must have gotten stuck in one of the tire grooves and made the ride out to the shop. Oops, I felt bad! Accidents do happen, I just feel like I'm more accident prone than most. :(

Well done David and Jonathan, I can’t believe y’all got it done in one day! 


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