Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Day in the Life

Guess what I did this morning?!? I went to a Zumba "class"...with people other than family! It went like this:

A lady at church posted on FB and asked if anyone might be interested in going to the church on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and doing Zumba with her. Since I'm trying to get out more and be more physically active I said Yes.

Today was the first time. Was I nervous? Kind of. Why? Come on friends, you've seen my dance moves! But guess what? This time I didn't have anyone saying, "Can you turn that down? I'm trying to work and I have a meeting." or "Mom! Seriously?!" No one shaking their head and laughing "with" me. No eye rolls (at least none that I could see but I was so focused on the teacher's feet that there may have been some of that going on...but I doubt it.) I even got a, "Thanks for coming! See you on Thursday."

I must admit, though, there were only 4 of us. I was the only one without a preschooler playing in the back. I was the only one who made sure my shirt was long enough to cover the biggest portion of my "active wear". And when it was over and the rest of them sat on the floor to "stretch it out" I did my best to get my head down as close to my knees as possible while keeping my legs straight while still standing. Because sitting on the hard gym floor is not happening, folks. I might not have gotten up for a very very long time and it would have been painful for all of us. Me to feel and them to witness. So I held the door open while they put away the toys because I'm nice like that. :)

And then me with my super red face and sweaty active wear went to the library to check out some books. Ahhh, a day in the life. Aren't you glad you now know that?

Like it or not, wanting to know that or not, that is what is on my mind this afternoon. Now I think I'll go eat some pumpkin chocolate chip bread or something sweet. I need motivation to keep moving and not go lie down. And I need something to get me back to Zumba on Thursday, right? If I lose my problem areas then I might not feel like I need to go. Yeah right, those aren't going to disappear after one class. Even I am smart enough to know that.

Whatever, the pumpkin bread is calling and no one else is going to eat it. Plus, I already mentioned...it has CHOCOLATE CHIPS!

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