Friday, October 23, 2015


OK, friends and neighbors and the world in general, I've a great teaching moment here. I graduated from college and actually used my degree in special education. Add to that that I have 3 adult children and one teen so I really do know a lot about teaching kids.

I've tried to teach all of the children I've taught to be kind. I TRY to be kind, too. So please take this in the kindest way possible. I think many Americans need to go back to kindergarten. So many things on this list are forgotten among adults. I'm going to focus on the last three today. Let's start at the last, shall we? 

Look around you. There is so much beauty in the world. Allah, God, Mother Nature, a Big Bang, or whatever you believe in, is around us everywhere. I'm thankful for that and you should be too. 
Now, for those of you who don't know what Dick-and-Jane books are, they are easy reader books for beginning readers. Dick is a boy. Jane is a girl. They learn to look, run, etc. When you learn to read you kinda get clues from looking at pictures. Dick-and-Jane books have pictures to help beginning readers. They aren't stereotyping per se, they are teaching by picture examples.
I'm assuming you all reading this know how to read and I'm not going to provide picture examples for what I'm going to teach today. So look at the pictures in your mind as I teach this concept.
Look...there was once a movie called Kindergarten Cop. In it a little boy (I'm going to assume it was a boy from what he was wearing and his physical appearance, it really doesn't matter his gender, though) tells the Kindergarten cop that boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. Everyone laughs at this straightforward explanation but this kindergartener has summed up gender quite succinctly. 
Can you picture the difference between the two in your mind? See why I'm not including pictures? But it is pretty obvious when you see naked people, no matter their age, what gender they are. 
Look...we cover those gender identifying marks up in American society (some of us anyway.) Still, it's pretty obvious to infants even, the difference between the genders even when they have clothes on. You can try to fool those babies. You can try to fool kindergarteners and elementary aged kids. You can try to fool all ages but sometimes we can tell you are "fooling". Not by looking under your clothes but just by your mannerisms and build and voice, etc. It's not just the color of clothes you are wearing. 

In American society it's ok to wonder but not always out loud. That might be confusing to kindergarteners because it's confusing to me, too, but that is the reality of America today. If you wonder something out loud it can be offensive. Why? I don't really know the answer to this one. You can ask me, I'll tell you exactly what I think, but some Americans get really offended. If you aren't sure what their gender is you aren't allowed to ask. They can wear whatever they want, sound however they want, say whatever, walk however, wear makeup, jewelry, hold hands or kiss whoever they want, and now they can even marry whoever they want. I know, this is confusing. 
It kind of contradicts the lesson we just learned before, doesn't it? If you wonder you want to look. If you wonder you want to ask. Be aware of wonder.
I wish medical research had learned this lesson a little bit better, it would have made it much easier for all of us. Why? Because with today's technology and medicine you can fool people so they can look and talk and even have surgery to fool everyone into thinking they are the opposite gender! Boys can take hormones to stop facial hair, to grow breasts, keep their voices from deepening and their Adam apple from enlarging like other men. Girls can take hormones to start facial hair, to keep their breasts from growing, get deeper voices, etc. Why? Just because they aren't happy with who they are! 
But wait, there is more. You can also have surgery to take out your female reproductive parts and male reproductive parts. I don't think we've yet discovered a way to transplant them if you really want to fool someone. Namely yourself. I really hope researchers learn this lesson before that technology becomes available. BE AWARE OF WONDER.

Yep, the seeds. The mice. The goldfish. The other boys and girls and their mommies and daddies and brothers and sisters and the teachers and the friends and the pets. All races. All genders. All ages. All colors. That is sad but it is something we all need to learn.
Some people know when they are going to die but most of us don't. Some people are happy when they die. Some people aren't. This leads me back to the first lesson I tried to stress.
LOOK. What do you see around you that can make you happy? BHiBTBS. BHiBTBstupid, too. BHiBTfooling yourself and others. Or trying to anyway.

Now let me tie all this together for Americans especially. I'm not meaning to put anyone down. I'm trying to use this as a teaching moment, ok? 
A woman does not have a penis. Some men dress up as women. Some men wear makeup and "girl" clothes. Some men grow their hair long and pretend. They may even wonder too much and take hormones. But until they have the surgery to remove their penis and put women parts in themselves, they are still men just trying to fool everyone. (No, I'm not saying women who don't have a uterus etc are trying to pretend at womanhood.)
What are people who do have the surgery to remove parts but they still can't put the opposite parts in? Modern eunuchsI wonder at that one, too. Sorry, I don't have the answer there. 
But look, Americans. Look Glamour magazine. You aren't fooling those of us who remember what we learned in kindergarten. Woman of the Year Awards can't be given to someone who has a penis just because he's trying to fool all y'all. 

Please, go back to kindergarten and learn the differences between boys and girls. Wonder. Look. And then remember we will all die. My hope is you can wonder and look at things that are helpful for you and your body and society as a whole. Because we'll all die. And I think those of us who are happy and love ourselves for who we are are going to do a lot better in the world than foolish people who have forgotten that Dick and Jane are two separate genders. The two aren't meant to be interchangeable. Calling yourself one is pretending. Changing yourself into the other is pretending. Trying to convince me that someone with a penis is a woman is down right offensive (in case you were wondering.) I'm not asking for the Woman of the Year Award. I don't deserve it. But neither does a man.

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