We are all given labels...some rightfully so and some not. Guess what? I'm choosing to be happy. Let me tell you guys a little story...
My brother and I are pretty close in age and some of my earliest memories of being self conscious are because of my hair in this picture right here.
Yep, my mom often got asked if my brother and I were twins. One time a lady was chatting with my brother and nicely asked him, "Is that your older brother?" He innocently and sweetly responded, "No, that's my big SISTER!"
So my haircut and clothes didn't define me instantly as a girl. It sure bothered me then, I've always had long hair because of that. Now I don't get mistaken for a boy...but so what if I were? I can be happy in my own skin.
My happiness hack has worked, friends. A couple times now I've been mistaken for a nurse or someone who works in the medical field because I've been wearing scrubs in public. Earlier this week I wore jeans for the first time in months. I also had on boots, a button down shirt, and I was wearing a baseball hat because my hair was a hot mess. I was waiting in line in town and some older fellow asked if I was wearing horse riding boots. My answer? "If that's what it looks like, then sure!" We both chuckled at that. If he only he knew how far from a cowgirl I really am! I was flattered by those labels.
I'll have to admit there have been times I've gone out in public in my pajamas because "normal" clothes were too uncomfortable and I didn't have anything else to wear. Then I was super self conscious because I really don't want the label "a person of Walmat" but guess what? Does it really matter?
People never know what your story is. They don't know your labels and why you do what you do and you don't have to explain them to be happy.
I'm now a middle aged grandma going through menopause. I'm also a middle aged woman who is getting off of medication that has kept me in a sedated state for a long, long time. I needed them at the time but I don't now. And I'm much happier.
People in town now might see a middle aged "nurse" dancing in her car to some good old 80's, 90's, and Pop 2K music. I'll just smile and wave...and try not to get too distracted because y'all, fall is gorgeous where I live! Check this out:
People might label me "smart", "crazy", "old lady", "Boomer", "conservative", "religious", "Karen", "disabled", or whatever but I know those closest to me love me for who I am. And I'm trying to let others know I'm happy and doing my best to love them for who they are, too. I don't know all your labels and I don't need to.
I'm keeping busy and having fun doing the crafting thing again, it's been a long time. No, I'm not going into business because I don't have to (thank goodness). I can't even with all the tax laws, shipping fees, rules and regulations, and profit margins etc. But if you're one of my friends or neighbors, there is no telling what I'll think of next to give you. Could be food I've made or something I won't get to in time (it's hard learning to cook for 2 instead of 6), a kids book I find funny, or whatever. It's always something I think you'll like so even if it's homemade, leftover, regifted, or made from recycled or reclaimed parts and pieces, please know I'm thinking of you and want you to be happy.
I'll toot my own horn a little and show you some of my more recent crafting gifts because I'm proud like that 😊
And here's what I did on the home front. When you have to put up an electric fence to keep the deer away from your flowerbed, why not spruce it up a little with fake flowers? Here's a before and after: