Tuesday, October 5, 2021

I can only laugh...and thankfully, so does he!

 A comedian could have a blast at my expense. No, I would laugh with him because really, I'd cry if I didn't. Guess what? My husband isn't a comedian either and thankfully, he can laugh with me when it comes to my mistakes.

If you follow me on Facebook you know my many blunders when it comes to me and lawn mowers. Seriously, it blows my mind! You know that knew fancy lawn mower Hubs got me for my 50th birthday? The one that is enclosed and has an air conditioner so I don't have to take a Benadryl before I mow? The one with the bigger deck so I don't have to spend so many hours outside because it's hard on my body? Well...I cringe to admit that just recently I took my first solo run and did some damage. Heh, heh, heh. That's the sound of cringy laughter.

We noticed the front lawn didn't look so great, it was uneven and very choppy. Today Hub's announced he would take his lunch hour mowing. He's a great guy, right? Doing it so I don't have to. But when he started he noticed it wasn't cutting correctly. The grass was lopsided and just not right. Thankfully the guy is good great at figuring out what's wrong and fixing things. This is how I saw him outside:

Apparently I had completely bent the middle blade and it was unfixable. This man has Godly love and patience my friends. He also knows me too well so he already had bought replacement blades and had them on hand. He lovingly and quietly replaced the blade and then got to mowing. He gently suggested I not mow the really tall stuff, just let him do that since I can't see the big rocks. 

Guess what we did Saturday? He let me drive the big blue tractor (I really DO love driving the big equipment) following him around the place while he did all the hard physical labor of picking up rocks, branches, and debris that is too big to mowed over. 

How did I get so lucky? The man really is a Saint! We used to always joke that kids are around to ruin your stuff and we looked forward to the day we would be empty nesters so we could have nice things. We do have an empty nest now, we do have nice stuff, but there's no end in sight of them staying pristine and new like.

It's very frustrating to me. I want to help, I want to be productive, I want to be a team player with Hubs. I, too, want nice things! My physical "disabilities" prevent me from doing a lot of the manual labor part. This place is too big for one person to keep up and I beat myself up mentally for not helping as much as I'd like to. I feel bad making him do all the hard work. But this great man, MY great man, has helped me see that we can adapt and find different ways for me to help out around "the farm". 

He buys the best machines he can find and then adapts them as necessary so I can use them. He makes me feel useful when I drive the tractor and tells me how much of a help it is. He laughs with me instead of at me so we can laugh together over my goofs. I am so thankful to have him! (And we stay sane by not having animals around "the farm". Good grief, that is way too much work for him when he still has a full time job!)

I'm doing my best to stay happy and I try to share some happiness hacks. Don't we all need that amidst the chaos and anger of the world today? So here's today's hack: Find out what you are good at (your gifts/talents) and focus on that. Remember that some people might not enjoy your gift, they may even re-gift it, and that's ok. Intent matters. 

Also remember that your gifts/talents will change over time. If you need your hair braided or a fancy updo I'm your go to girl. It was perfect in Austin, TX but around here in the middle of nowhere, not so much. I'm good at paying the bills and keeping the laundry done (as long as you don't expect me to pretreat, empty your pockets and/or iron), I make some good Mexican food, and if you ever need a penpal, I can "talk" your ear off. 

A comedian I'm not. I also think I wouldn't make a good landscaper. I'll consider myself more of a life coach as I share my happiness hacks. You're welcome ;)

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