Monday, October 18, 2021

My Long Winded Answer

Thank you, Jennifer, for your comment. Right now I’m an open book so I’d love to tell you my interpretation of President Russell M Nelson’s quote, “If most of the information you get comes from social or other media, your ability to hear the whisperings of the Spirit will be diminished.”

Be warned everyone reading this, I can’t tell a short story to save my life 😀

Y’all know a lot of my health history if you’ve read this blog so you are aware that I was severely challenged and bedridden for a number of years; I still am sometimes. My social interaction has been very limited and for the past 15 years or so I’ve done most of my interaction via technology.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful to have this ability! That wouldn’t have been the case for the generation just before me. I realize that and I am grateful. But in not talking to people face to face I think my perception of reality was stunted. Add to that the fact that I couldn’t attend church in person and I feel like I was spiritually stunted as well. (Thank you, COVID, for bringing some pros into my life; I’m loving being able to participate with the world virtually and not feel like a social outcast!)

Social media and other technology platforms will give you suggestions of content you might like based on what you view and click on. When you become one sided in your thinking and information gathering you aren’t balanced. I’ve finally been able to see that I’ve been unbalanced for a while and I’m trying to do better. A computer algorithm “teaching” you is polarizing and you aren’t necessarily finding TRUTH.

One of the cons of current technology is that any and everyone can spout their opinions, philosophies, and interpretations as fact online. I’ve been told by a counselor that eye witness testimony is the worst testimony for convicting someone in court because it is the least reliable. Why? Because two people can see and hear the exact same event but come away with different “truths” based on their own personal experiences, beliefs, prejudices, culture, etc etc.

I’ve been listening to others (doctors, politicians, religious leaders, celebrities, etc) as I did as a child growing up in the 70’s; that is if you see it and or read it, it is TRUTH. You don’t question your elders and you treat them respectfully.

There is real TRUTH but it is what it is and usually we don’t understand all of it. There’s no shame in that, that’s what life is all about…learning and growing. No one knows all the reasons for why people say what they say and do what they do. I can look left, right, and every which way in my search for TRUTH but ultimately I need to reach up to God to find His way for me.

I still believe you need to treat your elders (and everyone else) respectfully. Everyone has their own important priorities/causes; our personal status, strengths and weaknesses, religion, race, culture, health, yada yada yada influences those. Right now I sense a lot of anger and hostility worldwide. I have to wonder if a lot more people than just me need to be reminded to calm down and stop being so anxious in life. Look right and left but don’t forget to look up and then listen for the Spirit as you search for the TRUTH for you and your family. You’ll feel a lot happier…or at least I am.

So there you go, there’s my long winded explanation of what my thoughts are about that quote and why I really like this photo.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking the time to share! I agree, social media definitely presents a skewed perception of reality in all sorts of ways.
