Here's my ten cents on current affairs. You don't have to like it. You don't have to read it. You don't have to agree. It's MY current thoughts on current events that I am posting on MY blog. Read it if you want. Pass over it if you want. It's your choice.
If you don't know by now that I am a Mormon I'll assume you are new to my blog. Welcome! The LDS church is taking heat right now because they told the bishops and leaders specifically how to deal with the new politics of the world...homosexual marriage. This wasn't legal a few years ago. It wasn't an issue. Now it is and it needs to be addressed. There is also the issue of children of homosexual marriages and relationships. Do you let an 8 year old join a church when that church teaches that his parents are openly sinning? That the child's goal in life is to NOT do what his parents are doing?
Personally, I don't know why a parent would let their child be baptized into a religion that is teaching exactly opposite what I was teaching at home. I don't like it when schools do that and school is mandatory. Religion is not. Specifically, the LDS church is not mandatory. If you don't agree with the Church's teaching...don't join. There are plenty others out there. Even Christian churches that will agree with your choice of lifestyle. Go join them! Or not, it's up to you. The LDS church is very upfront about its stance...homosexual
relationships are not condoned. Homosexual
feelings are an entirely different issue. Heterosexual relationships outside of marriage are not condoned. Heterosexual feelings are an entirely different issue. Do you get the difference?
Telling a child they have to wait to join a church is different than telling a child they can NEVER join a church. Do you get the difference? There are many things our government tells children they can not do until they reach a certain age (smoking, drinking, driving, etc), things many children think they should be able to do when they feel they are ready. Sorry, kids. You have to wait. That doesn't mean you are bad kids, it doesn't mean you are immature, it doesn't mean anything against you as a child of God. It means you need to wait until you are a legal adult because that's just the way it is. Don't like it? Too bad.
Adults...God has said that all sexual relationships should be done in the bounds of marriage. That is what the LDS church teaches. If you don't agree, if you aren't willing to wait, or whatever...don't join this church! If you are already a member and won't/can't keep this commandment, you are sinning and need to fix the situation. If you don't/won't, you will no longer be able to be a member. Again, if this sounds harsh and unfair, too bad. See, everyone sins. All Mormons sin, all Christians sin, all Muslims sin, all atheists sin, EVERYONE sins. But it's like breaking man's laws, there are misdemeanors and felonies. Since we believe the family is the most important relationship in this life (other than your relationship with God) and you sin against it, you are committing a felony. Since there is no Mormon jail (remember, you don't HAVE to be here), you loose membership and the blessings that go with it if you keep doing this behavior. Some laws are NOT okay to repeatedly and openly break. This is one.
Guess what? If this religion is so important to you that you would do anything to stay a member, fix your sin and rejoin. It's totally voluntary. But we aren't going to change our principles because you have a hard time living one of them. Does this make sense? Some people may call this harsh. Why? Don't like it...leave. Can't live it...leave. You don't have to be here. Will I be sad to see you go? Of course! Do I love you any less? No. Does God love you any less? No. Am I going to kill you and shun you because you believe differently than me? Of course not! You might feel like I am acting this way but that's your take on it. Get over yourself. I choose to be happy my way, you choose your own happiness. Agree to disagree and move on with life. This is my take on this current event.
It leads into another current event...terrorism. See, this is tough for me because I do feel compassion for the people in war torn countries. I don't like to see them suffer. I don't like to see them killed because of power hungry people. But see, I don't like homosexuals being thrown off of buildings, either. I don't like women not being able to drive, being told rape is their fault, not being equal partners with their husbands, etc. I definitely don't want it being taught in my home, thus I'm not joining the Muslim religion. I don't believe in jihad and all these other terms I don't really know what they mean. I don't think all Muslim people feel this way but I don't really know.
See, I get the feeling that many Muslim principles are exclusive. They are more "join my way of thinking, do my way of things but if you don't/can't, you have to die." Does anyone else get that feeling? Of course there are radicals everywhere but there just seem to be a WHOLE LOT more Muslim radicals willing to blow themselves and everyone else up to get their point across. Mormon leaders don't teach this. Ever! We can agree to disagree.
I want to protect my family. I want to protect my country. I don't mind sharing but I do mind people wanting to come to my "home" and change my laws. My lifestyle. People who want me to give them stuff and aren't thankful for it. Instead they complain that they don't like the food, they want a TV, they want Internet, etc. Sorry, folks. When you have nothing be thankful for the generosity of those willing to share. Don't rape their women. Don't blow them up. If you really believe that is what your God wants/allows you to do, then we have fundamental differences. If you really believe that aide is your right, that bringing your way of living into my home and demanding that I bow down to it, you've got another thing coming. My house my rules. My country my rules.
Women are equal partners here in America. You don't rape them and then the woman gets in trouble for it. Women can drive. They can wear jeans. They can say what they want when they want and you don't have to like it or agree with it. Most American men have accepted this fact. Many Muslim men will never accept it because they are taught the opposite. It's just like joining a church. You don't HAVE to join. If you can't/won't live the principles being taught here in America...don't come.
And America, why do you want to invite people like this over? You've just fought to give equal rights to so many people with so many varying lifestyles. Do you really think Muslims would ever vote Caitlyn Jenner as Woman of the Year? (I think that's crap btw.) I think Muslims would tie his/her hands and throw her/him off a roof! Am I making sense here? Why invite trouble into your homes?
I'm no terrorist. I will tell you about my beliefs and why I feel the way I do but if you don't agree that is fine. You don't have to like me. You don't have to be my friend. (I can be friends because I'm pretty good at "do what makes you happy and I'll do what makes me happy." BHiBTBS) I'll say what I feel because I'm allowed. I'll fight to keep that right btw. I'll fight if you threaten me or mine. I won't threaten to blow you up if you don't join my church. I won't threaten to blow you up if you don't like me. I won't threaten to blow you up unless you start threatening my home. Then watch out. You REALLY don't want to come to my home and start threatening me. That goes for my country, too.
I just wish more American politicians loved my country and wanted to keep my freedoms safe. I'm no longer sure they do. I think they are too worried about hurting peoples feelings. About being politically correct. Why? Why invite trouble into our country? Be it Muslim radicals, illegal immigrants, etc. Why would you hand over the freedoms we fight so hard to keep? It makes no sense to me. I really don't think I'm being selfish by saying this. I feel like I'm being a realist.
And that, friends, is my ten cents. I choose to be happy and make the best of my situation. I wish more people would live this way.