haven’t blogged in forever so here is an update. Y’all, I’ve been through
something crazy again when it comes to my health. Remember back in 2015 when I
had that ketamine treatment infusion that fried my brain? No, I haven’t had
another one of those but something very similar has happened again.
pain has had me turning to multiple doctors and trusted friends, each who seem
to have their one trick pony. One might be herbs, another a specialty
medication or procedure, another exercise/stretching/diet…you fill in the
blank. If you’ve never played the medication game, LUCKY! If you have then you
know what I mean.
few months ago I had another brain fry from a different medication. There are pros and cons to these I am
learning. The biggest pro is that my chronic pain significantly reduces for a
time. The biggest con is that I have to relearn things.
the problem with losing your memories, you don’t know what is relearning vs
original learning. Last time I had to relearn what foods I like, math facts,
how to braid hair, how to drive, etc. This time around it’s not nearly that
severe. I can still balance the check book, pay bills, and follow a recipe.
Thank goodness!
don’t like change. I don’t like confronting my fears. I don’t like having a
frail body with unanswered questions as to why it isn’t functioning “normally”.
I’m stubborn. I’m controlling. All kinds of cons.
if I’m being totally honest I'm relearning some good things about myself, too. I like people and I
like being able to help them. I’m EXTREMELY talkative and loud. I’m an open
book and don’t mind admitting some of my issues. I’m trusting in many ways and
want to give people the benefit of the doubt. I’m caring and I don’t like to
disappoint others.
me pause here to give a huge shout out to my hubs and youngest daughter, who
have been with me and held my hand through both these very scary experiences. I
have many close family members and friends who have helped, too, but hubs and
daughter have had to literally hold my hand and make sure I get fed when I can’t
function. If they had a dollar for every time I’ve said, “I’ve figured it out!”
they’d be able to buy their way into heaven.😄)
time around I’ve been “blessed” (sarcasm) with anxiety and panic attacks. There
are side effects to every medication, folks, and I’m hoping this one will
lesson over time. Instead of throwing western medicine at it I’m trying some
different approaches. No, I won’t go into all of them here but if you are ever
curious you can email me.
now I’m an open book again. I’m a chatter box like the Disney character, Dory.
I’m innocent and naive in many ways as I relearn social cues. I did learn and
remember from last time around how being tactless and ignorant can hurt
relationships. I’m trying to do better but like I said, it’s hard to remember
when you are relearning so please be patient with me. I’m not “normal”, I’m not
trying to provoke arguments, I really am trying to relearn and understand.
trying to learn from these experiences and if I can help someone else along the
way so you don’t have to go through it, you’re welcome. 😉 Culturally we don’t talk
much about mental health and mental medication side effects so I’ve felt
embarrassed or ashamed about it. It’s real, folks, and I bet more of us deal
with it than Instagram or Facebook posts show. I’m admitting it and yes, I’m
still embarrassed about it, but not ashamed. Lately I’ve faced some of my worst
fears and I am learning/relearning how to manage them. Sigh, these new
approaches I’m trying are much more difficult than just swallowing a pill!
Happy is Better Than Being Smart; that was my greatest take away from last
time. This time I’m focusing on learning new ways to cope when I’m down at rock
here’s something new I learned that is working for me, a little happiness hack to lighten the mood:
you are in pain and wearing regular clothes hurts your body but you still have to go out
in public, wear scrubs. I’ve literally gone out in my pj’s before but that just
makes me feel insecure. When I wear scrubs I’ve been mistaken for a nurse. Ha
ha, talk about dressing professional! Today at the grocery store I was
complimented for my scrubs by the carry out guy and then he mentioned how he
has a pair of scrubs he likes to sleep in. Shh, I didn’t tell him my happiness
daughter told me to wear earrings to make my outfit look “intentional” so I tried
it along with a hat to cover second day hair. Add a smile, some self confidence,
be willing to look people in the eye and say hello, and they will think you’re
put together. Fake it till you make it, friends. Even if you aren’t wearing
make up!
I said, you’re welcome.😜
It's so much easier to be happy when you aren't in crippling pain, physical or mental. Let's remember to be kind since many illness are unseen and you never know what someone is dealing with.