Monday, October 18, 2021

My Long Winded Answer

Thank you, Jennifer, for your comment. Right now I’m an open book so I’d love to tell you my interpretation of President Russell M Nelson’s quote, “If most of the information you get comes from social or other media, your ability to hear the whisperings of the Spirit will be diminished.”

Be warned everyone reading this, I can’t tell a short story to save my life 😀

Y’all know a lot of my health history if you’ve read this blog so you are aware that I was severely challenged and bedridden for a number of years; I still am sometimes. My social interaction has been very limited and for the past 15 years or so I’ve done most of my interaction via technology.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful to have this ability! That wouldn’t have been the case for the generation just before me. I realize that and I am grateful. But in not talking to people face to face I think my perception of reality was stunted. Add to that the fact that I couldn’t attend church in person and I feel like I was spiritually stunted as well. (Thank you, COVID, for bringing some pros into my life; I’m loving being able to participate with the world virtually and not feel like a social outcast!)

Social media and other technology platforms will give you suggestions of content you might like based on what you view and click on. When you become one sided in your thinking and information gathering you aren’t balanced. I’ve finally been able to see that I’ve been unbalanced for a while and I’m trying to do better. A computer algorithm “teaching” you is polarizing and you aren’t necessarily finding TRUTH.

One of the cons of current technology is that any and everyone can spout their opinions, philosophies, and interpretations as fact online. I’ve been told by a counselor that eye witness testimony is the worst testimony for convicting someone in court because it is the least reliable. Why? Because two people can see and hear the exact same event but come away with different “truths” based on their own personal experiences, beliefs, prejudices, culture, etc etc.

I’ve been listening to others (doctors, politicians, religious leaders, celebrities, etc) as I did as a child growing up in the 70’s; that is if you see it and or read it, it is TRUTH. You don’t question your elders and you treat them respectfully.

There is real TRUTH but it is what it is and usually we don’t understand all of it. There’s no shame in that, that’s what life is all about…learning and growing. No one knows all the reasons for why people say what they say and do what they do. I can look left, right, and every which way in my search for TRUTH but ultimately I need to reach up to God to find His way for me.

I still believe you need to treat your elders (and everyone else) respectfully. Everyone has their own important priorities/causes; our personal status, strengths and weaknesses, religion, race, culture, health, yada yada yada influences those. Right now I sense a lot of anger and hostility worldwide. I have to wonder if a lot more people than just me need to be reminded to calm down and stop being so anxious in life. Look right and left but don’t forget to look up and then listen for the Spirit as you search for the TRUTH for you and your family. You’ll feel a lot happier…or at least I am.

So there you go, there’s my long winded explanation of what my thoughts are about that quote and why I really like this photo.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Let's all calm down while we continue standing up

Life is not always humorous, that’s ok, it’s not meant to be. There are times for humor and laughter; there are times for seriousness and debate. Today is going to be one of the latter.

I’ve been dealing with debilitating anxiety and panic attacks recently; I’m definitely not happy in those moments! Negative thoughts and my worst fears torment me, it is my own version of hell on earth and my heart aches for others who experience this regularly.

I read this recently, ‘“Scholars tell us that in 2014 one in five of the U.S. population between the ages of 18 to 25 had a mental illness. This reaches down to younger ages and causes overall anxieties and significant overload among mental health counselors. We are told that between 2008 and 2016, there was a 40 percent increase in college students being diagnosed or treated for depression, and a 70 percent increase in diagnosis of or treatment for anxiety. Truly these are different times for your generation…”

I’d say! And I’m afraid it’s only going to get worse. I saw this meme on FB recently: 

This was my comment: "Tbh I'm also ashamed of some of my fellow Americans actions. I get that people are afraid, and angry, and feel like their voices aren't being heard. How can we not feel that way when it seems like the government, who is in charge of writing the rules, won't even follow them themselves! Definitely vote for candidates you trust and who share your values in what will help heal our country. Definitely speak up when you have a chance. But the violence, rudeness, and incivility that reigns today is saddening to me. How can we expect patience, kindness, tolerance, respect, and Christ like love from our children when many adults don't practice it themselves?"

Now don’t get me wrong, my intent in writing this blog is not to have a religious and/or political debate. Those tend to get too heated and emotional and with my anxiety flaring up there is no way that would be good for my mental health. (Hmm, maybe there is a pattern there for everyone else, too? Just sayin.)

Part of the problem (again imo) is that we are overloaded with information. Technology is great but it can be overwhelming to those of us “old folks” who are used to getting the world’s information from only the nightly news, books from the library, encyclopedias, or by word of mouth. Technology is a tool, it has no inherent good or bad, it is our intent and how we use it that matters.

I’m lifting my voice amongst the chaos to try to do good by sharing what is working for me in my search of happiness. I don’t expect you to take my advice, I’m not preaching to you, I’m just sharing and recognizing that we all have different experiences and need to find our OWN happiness along the journey of this crazy thing we call life.

Blah blah blah, as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t get out much socially due to my current life circumstances so I find a lot of my information through technology. (Hmm, again there seems to be a pattern in this for everyone else, too!) What I find when it comes to current events and “news” sends my anxiety into high gear and I can only stomach it so long.

I don’t want to send anyone else into panic attacks but come on, ignorance is bliss and knowledge is power. We can’t shouldn't bury our heads in the sand to protect our feelings (sometimes we can should for our mental health, though). There are so many good and decent causes to fight for…and when I say “fight” I mean verbally discussing/debating, not physical violence or rudeness.

One that is near and dear to me is the safety of children. They have no voice legally; they are children, so we need to voice their opinions and what we feel is best for them. Tactfully. Lovingly. Truthfully.

Here are some troubling videos/articles I have found recently, feel free to check them out when you have a few minutes and aren’t easily triggered.

I used to be a public school teacher and a close family member is one currently. Y’all, the difference 30 years make is incredible! I can relate to this teacher: but not this one:

(My happiness hack…watch more of this second teacher’s videos on YouTube under Bored Teachers, she’s hilarious!)

Here’s another reality check from that funny teacher:

Can you imagine the reality check if teachers did what the Southwest Airlines pilots are doing? Could you blame them? If you’ve read these articles and watched the videos combined with your own experiences, I think you’d say no. It’d sure put our society in chaos (Hmm, did we not get a mini taste of what that’d be like the past 2 years?).

I can’t tell you what is best for your child(ren) just like you can’t tell me what is best for mine. But let’s be adults, let’s show good examples to the children of how you should handle fear and anxiety and differences of opinions because they are watching and they ARE learning. The future is going to be just as chaotic, if not more so, for them.

And one more quote I’d like to share that brings me peace: “If most of the information you get comes from social or other media, your ability to hear the whisperings of the Spirit will be diminished,” President Russell M Nelson

Calm down and try to find your own happiness hacks while you continue standing up for what is right. 

PS: As an update, my scrubs Happiness Hack worked better than expected! Remember when I said I wear scrubs when my fibromyalgia makes wearing other clothes uncomfortable? It’s much more socially acceptable than going out in my pajamas. (Yes, I have done that, too.) This week I had a dr’s appointment and I wore my scrubs. I also had on my alpha-stim for anxiety, which is a medical device that you can see being worn but you aren’t quite sure what it is if you've never seen one before
, and a face mask. The phlebotomist taking my blood asked if she knew me from somewhere…like maybe one of the other nursing homes she works for. 

Ha ha, that’s a definite nope! But I’m flattered that she thought I looked “professional”…and smart enough to be in the medical field. It’s easy to say people’s opinions of what you look like shouldn’t matter but come on; we all do a little bit 😊

Friday, October 8, 2021

Happiness Hack...Find the humor

I started this blog 6 years ago as a way to talk about my life changing experience after a “cocktail infusion” for chronic pain. It’s kind of morphed into a family newsletter and that’s ok.

I am a talker and an open book. I don’t mind sharing my experiences if those experiences can help someone else. I don’t get to socialize much because of my health issues and because I live out in the middle of nowhere so my way of chatting is through emails and social media. Being happy is what’s most important to all of us really, isn’t it? So that’s what I hope this blog is remembered for, my happiness hacks. Being Happy is Better Than Being Smart, Being Happy is Better Than Being Rich, Being Happy is Better Than Being Famous, Being Happy is Better Than…you fill in the blank for what fits you and your stage of life.

I don’t need to be a famous blogger, don’t even want it. Just know that I’m not in this for the likes or shares or popularity or whatever because sure, I like when people share my sense of humor but I’m not going to worry about being super PC and tiptoe around to avoid offending someone because my audience is friends and family. I do a good enough job of unintentionally offending them so I KNOW I’d put my foot in my mouth chatting to the whole world. Sheesh, that’s part of the problem today imo. People get too offended and are quick to show it. Slow down and hear both sides. My opinion is that there are two sides to every story and the truth is usually somewhere in the middle.

I’m no comedian but humor helps keep me happy. I still have chronic health issues but come on, don’t we all?  Some of us just have more invisible “disabilities” than others. Learn to love yourself, learn to laugh at yourself, learn to laugh about the world because sometimes you need to or you’ll go crazy. There is only so much you have control over so do your best.

Now that that’s out of the way, let me tell you about my newest challenge. The migraines and fibromyalgia have become manageable for now but a new problem has appeared, anxiety/panic attacks. Folks, this stuff hurts just as much as physical pain! I hate being out of control of my thoughts and not being able to talk myself through my worst fears. Talking about it is my therapy and I think it’s helpful that other people know they aren’t the only ones struggling with it. So let me tell you some things I am trying to do to stay happy while I figure out how to deal with anxiety.

I’m trying to go back to the basics, the stuff you know already but you could get away without doing when you were younger and could handle more stress (or at least I could.) For me that includes eating regularly, taking my vitamins, exercising (which is more stretching instead of step aerobics or zumba unfortunately), daily prayer and scripture study, daily service, and getting the sleep I need. (Yes, I realize and am thankful that I don't have to be in the working world. I've done the research and it seems like most "invisible" disabilities require a lot of paperwork and even lawyers to get the label so you can get financial help.) I’m also using an Alpha-Stim machine to try to cut back on some of the medications I take. Here’s a link to that if you are interested Here’s also a great relaxation video you can listen to if you need it

I had a pretty bad anxiety/panic attack yesterday; I think it’s my body’s way of saying “too much”. I'm learning that if “too much” is caused by something I am doing I can stop at the slightest hint of anxiety and try to focus on something else. But if that “too much” is caused by medication there is nothing I can do but ride it out. Those are the hardest! I’ve been to a great therapist who has given me tools to help combat the crippling fear during these attacks. Sometimes the attacks can last hours, sometimes days. They are my own personal hell and I wouldn’t wish them on anyone! It’s my worst fears come to life in my mind. Shudder, I’m not going to focus on those because even remembering causes me to feel the anxiety right now.

So instead I’m going to focus on my kind of humor…which usually involves pictures. What can I say, I'm a visual learner and maybe you are, too. Welcome to the images that come to my mind. You’re welcome 😜

(Remember, this blog's audience is family and friends and I like to keep it clean. Don't share any inappropriate pics that might come to your mind because I'll delete those. Just saying.)

Someone close to me is a middle school teacher and I’ve heard quite a few stories of what it’s like teaching tweens and teens now a days. Yikes, so different than what I taught years ago in first grade Special Ed! One thing her school has implemented in their dress code is a ban against durags and bonnets. Now y’all, I went to school in the 70’s and 80’s and the first image to come to my mind was this:

Ha, ha, there is NO way this is what she was talking about! So my next question was, “What’s a bonnet?” and she explained it to me as best she could.

This is the image that came to my mind:

Again, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but I am pretty sure this is not what she was talking about, either.

Fast forward to this morning after my bad panic attack and I’m on an emotional high because the attack is over and I got a good night’s sleep. It’s much easier for me to be happy and find humor when I’m not anxious and tired.

So here you go, friends and family, my kind of humor that I shared with this teacher. I texted this:

“Ha ha, just bought these over the weekend at Dollar Tree. A bonnet is a shower cap! Here’s my middle aged white woman’s version. Not cool! These middle schoolers will look back and laugh at themselves someday…while we laugh at them now.”

(Btw, the reason I happen to have that ridiculous pink shower cap is because I use a hot bath as a pain tool. My hair is super thick and usually it’s long so I don’t want it getting caught up in the jets of the tub. I’m cheap frugal so I buy the least expensive thing I can find. No way am I wearing that thing out in public!)

Her reply, “Bonnets are different than shower caps. They’re silky and keep your hair hydrated. But they do look like shower caps.”

So while the tub was filling I had a little more fun laughing at myself. Again, you’re welcome because if you like to compare yourself against other people I’m your go to girl. 😏

(Note to self: these bonnets are definitely NOT shower caps so I need to go find me the plastic ones before my pink one’s elastic totally gives out. I can use these when my hair is long again and I want to do overnight heatless curls.)

Her response to these gems, “Wow, these pictures are something” 😂

“Exactly the point. Someday these middle schoolers will look back and say, ‘What was I thinking?’ just like we look back at the big 80’s hair and laugh. But if that’s what all your friends are wearing, too, doesn’t that automatically make it cool? Maybe to their peers but no one else. Or maybe nobody else even cares now a days? Maybe schools pick to fight this battle because they are worried about weapons being hidden? Who knows?”

To be thorough, here’s what we looked like in middle and high school back in the 80’s:

Yep, we laugh now but we were dead set that the higher the hair the more popular we would be and the better we looked. I'll have you know that hair of mine took three perms and almost two hours of work to achieve. What a waste of my time!

I guess I’m sharing this because Being Happy is knowing when to pick your battles. There really are some cute bonnets and durags out there today imo (and some of those 80's hairstyles aren't too bad either).

I’m pretty sure those are still out of my comfort zone to wear in public but I have started wearing ball caps.

Hats were not allowed in schools back in my day, either, but let me tell show you why they are worn for good reason:

But hey, I’m not a current middle school teacher dealing with the fear of gun shootings and what not. I didn’t have to worry about gangs and/or inappropriate wording or “triggering” logos on hats when I taught; it was all Barney and Lamb Chop stuff for my students. So the schools of today have to decide what’s best for them.

Stay Happy by finding the humor and not being afraid to laugh at yourself. Learn the reasons behind decisions and you’ll be happier, too. Those are my hacks for today.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

I can only laugh...and thankfully, so does he!

 A comedian could have a blast at my expense. No, I would laugh with him because really, I'd cry if I didn't. Guess what? My husband isn't a comedian either and thankfully, he can laugh with me when it comes to my mistakes.

If you follow me on Facebook you know my many blunders when it comes to me and lawn mowers. Seriously, it blows my mind! You know that knew fancy lawn mower Hubs got me for my 50th birthday? The one that is enclosed and has an air conditioner so I don't have to take a Benadryl before I mow? The one with the bigger deck so I don't have to spend so many hours outside because it's hard on my body? Well...I cringe to admit that just recently I took my first solo run and did some damage. Heh, heh, heh. That's the sound of cringy laughter.

We noticed the front lawn didn't look so great, it was uneven and very choppy. Today Hub's announced he would take his lunch hour mowing. He's a great guy, right? Doing it so I don't have to. But when he started he noticed it wasn't cutting correctly. The grass was lopsided and just not right. Thankfully the guy is good great at figuring out what's wrong and fixing things. This is how I saw him outside:

Apparently I had completely bent the middle blade and it was unfixable. This man has Godly love and patience my friends. He also knows me too well so he already had bought replacement blades and had them on hand. He lovingly and quietly replaced the blade and then got to mowing. He gently suggested I not mow the really tall stuff, just let him do that since I can't see the big rocks. 

Guess what we did Saturday? He let me drive the big blue tractor (I really DO love driving the big equipment) following him around the place while he did all the hard physical labor of picking up rocks, branches, and debris that is too big to mowed over. 

How did I get so lucky? The man really is a Saint! We used to always joke that kids are around to ruin your stuff and we looked forward to the day we would be empty nesters so we could have nice things. We do have an empty nest now, we do have nice stuff, but there's no end in sight of them staying pristine and new like.

It's very frustrating to me. I want to help, I want to be productive, I want to be a team player with Hubs. I, too, want nice things! My physical "disabilities" prevent me from doing a lot of the manual labor part. This place is too big for one person to keep up and I beat myself up mentally for not helping as much as I'd like to. I feel bad making him do all the hard work. But this great man, MY great man, has helped me see that we can adapt and find different ways for me to help out around "the farm". 

He buys the best machines he can find and then adapts them as necessary so I can use them. He makes me feel useful when I drive the tractor and tells me how much of a help it is. He laughs with me instead of at me so we can laugh together over my goofs. I am so thankful to have him! (And we stay sane by not having animals around "the farm". Good grief, that is way too much work for him when he still has a full time job!)

I'm doing my best to stay happy and I try to share some happiness hacks. Don't we all need that amidst the chaos and anger of the world today? So here's today's hack: Find out what you are good at (your gifts/talents) and focus on that. Remember that some people might not enjoy your gift, they may even re-gift it, and that's ok. Intent matters. 

Also remember that your gifts/talents will change over time. If you need your hair braided or a fancy updo I'm your go to girl. It was perfect in Austin, TX but around here in the middle of nowhere, not so much. I'm good at paying the bills and keeping the laundry done (as long as you don't expect me to pretreat, empty your pockets and/or iron), I make some good Mexican food, and if you ever need a penpal, I can "talk" your ear off. 

A comedian I'm not. I also think I wouldn't make a good landscaper. I'll consider myself more of a life coach as I share my happiness hacks. You're welcome ;)

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Beach Vacation

Lately I've been writing newsletters for my children since they all live away from home. It's easier to just copy and paste here in my blog so here you go:

Get ready for a lot of pictures; I had an awesome vacation this past week with my mom, sisters, and Jessica and Abby. I would share more pictures but these are ladies I love and I wouldn’t throw them under the bus by over sharing swim pics…they’d better have the same respect!

Kelly found this rental house right on the beach in SC, check it out:

This was our view from the master bedroom, the bottom level porch where they had a water spigot to rinse off sand, the top level screened in back porch, and back porch that led to the beach:

It was a ton of stairs for the week but oh, so worth it! The kitchen was stocked with new knives that Dad would have been proud of because they were so sharp, beach chairs, wave boards, and a beach umbrella. We used them all.

One afternoon Grandma, Aunt Kelly, and I were sitting under the umbrella on the beach while Jessica and Aunt Theresa were out in the water. I noticed a lot of people getting out of the water and congregating about 50 yards to our side where a couple was fishing from the shore. He was holding up what looked like a shark! Kelly and I grabbed our phones and went running over just as he threw it back into the water. Yep, his wife had caught a hammerhead from the shore! (I guess I never realized they had tongues that would stick out.)

 Aunt Theresa noticed us running (I think we must have looked like sexy babes auditioning for Baywatch as we ran but Theresa was cracking up and said No, we definitely did not). She also noticed what the guy was holding so she and Jessica hurried out of the water. No big deal, the shark was little and this was his natural home. Of course he was going to come investigate when the woman was using chum for bait. We were back in the water within 15 minutes. (Side note: The guy lying under the umbrella next to us not only knew where Goshen, VA was but he’s driven through it many times! What are the odds of that!?! He and his wife were super sweet and helped us get our umbrella back up after it blew away. What can I say; I’m from the mountains so beach stuff is foreign to me.)

 We never saw any more sharks but we did see dolphins jumping not too far away from us and twice Kelly was surrounded by schools of fish.

 One day the waves were intense, here’s Aunt Theresa about to be bowled over. We all swallowed a lot of sea water that day and had our sinuses cleaned out but it was oh so fun imo. And here are my sunburned legs I got day one.

We found fun shells to collect, I had plenty of hair to braid and play with (isn’t Grandma’s hair amazing?!?), we played lots of card games and read books, and even had a spa day with manicures and massages.

Of course we had to try out the local seafood buffet, Crabby Mike’s. It was delicious and so much fun to get out of our comfort zone and try new foods.

This was for sure one of my favorite vacations! Now I’m home and having the typical crash but I’m happy to admit that it’s not nearly as bad as what I’m used to after traveling. This is great news because I’m actually feeling up to a Costco run later this week. Y’all know how much I love me a Costco run.

  Love you all,


PS: You should ask Amanda about her teaching career; she’s got some wild stories to tell!


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Rednecking at its finest!

I married a redneck and I love it! You guys, really, I am so impressed by my husband and his brother. Jonathan came for the weekend to help David install the lights in his shop. Unfortunately the tallest ladder we have was not tall enough or sturdy enough for two grown men to use. If you look in the background of this picture you can see what I’m talking about; it's propped up against the wall. So you know what these guys did? They turned an old pallet and some extra lumber we had lying around into a basket that they strapped on to a farm tractor. Btw, this farm tractor is not ours, it belongs to another brother. 

Can I just tell you how proud I was of myself for driving this tractor over to our house? It's a stick shift but it’s got air conditioning in there you guys! I did get a few double takes from some men who were pulled over on the side of the road directing traffic, I think it’s because they weren’t expecting to see a woman driving that beast. Ha ha, I loved it! As one of my daughters would say, I got to add some points to my man card. :) To give you some perspective of the size of this thing, here is me (trying to avoid the cow poop because this is a farm tractor after all.)

You know I had to try out the lift, here’s proof I went up in it one time. Let’s just say I don’t like heights and there is no way I was going up and down in that thing all day.

I helped by documenting the day and being the gopher…you know, making trips back and forth to get stuff they needed. (In full honesty I have to admit I made all those trips on the 4 wheeler because come on, I do have fibromyalgia so I can’t overdo it physically without paying a high physical pain cost. It’s my way of modern day “farming”…minus the animals.)

Here’s a picture of the men at work and the job completed. (I added a video to Facebook if you want to watch it and see how David got in and out of that basket. Shudder!)

I hate to admit that an animal was harmed in the day’s adventure (and both guys drew blood on fingers but they were patched up with band aids so nbd.) This is probably TMI but its reality. I was helping them sweep up at the end of the day when I saw this on the shop floor:

It’s a newborn rabbit I think. Of course no momma rabbit was anywhere near all the noise and commotion and no way would she choose a concrete floor to give birth. I did notice a rabbit strangely close to our garage near the house every time I went outside. The only thing I can think is that she gave birth in some tall grass near there and I must have accidently run over her nest on one of my 4 wheeler trips. This little baby must have gotten stuck in one of the tire grooves and made the ride out to the shop. Oops, I felt bad! Accidents do happen, I just feel like I'm more accident prone than most. :(

Well done David and Jonathan, I can’t believe y’all got it done in one day! 


Monday, September 6, 2021

No Longer Sedated

I saw this image on social media and it totally explains how I’ve been feeling lately, I thought I’d share.

I can’t even tell y’all how much better I’ve been feeling! I’m actually noticing the benefits of this “brain fry”. No, chronic pain isn’t totally gone but I’m finally seeing the polished side to my life. The depression and hopelessness is much better and I’m better able to keep the chronic pain from taking over. I feel like I’ve been in a sedated pain prison for the past 15 years; sedated in all aspects of my life: physically, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, socially, etc. The pain has lessened enough that it’s manageable and I’m venturing out into the real world again.

Do you want to know what’s throwing me for a loop? Things are so much different in the real world nowadays verses when I first started my stint in pain prison. No wonder I’m so confused and feel like I have to relearn everything again, it’s a weird sense of déjà vu. It’s loud and chaotic now; too much information from too many sources so how do you know what is true?

I guess I’m realizing that everyone should be able to relate to this apple in the mirror picture. Most of us would like to show our shiny, unblemished side to the world. We want to project confidence and perfectionism…and maybe optimism, too? But we all have our battered and bruised side; problems, pains, and fears that others don’t see. Some might only have a small worm hole of problems while others could be bitten all the way to the core. Sometimes we can glimpse that hurt side and sometimes we can’t.

Here is kind of a paradox I’m puzzling over…How do you keep it real and describe the bad side without being a pessimist or without bringing others down? Because I’m seeing so much out there where it seems like people are only showing the bad side; so much anger, hate, sadness, and flat out rudeness that was unacceptable when I first went to pain prison. I definitely don’t want to add to that by blogging about my experiences.

I guess I just want my friends and family who read this to know that I’m trying to find a balance. If I seem overly optimistic by sharing the Disney side of my life stories, please know that I’m not bragging or showing off. There are pros and cons to everything. And on the flip side, if I’m complaining, please remember that there is a shiny good side to my stories somewhere in there, too. Sometimes those are harder for me to see in the moment but eventually I’ll figure it out. 

My goal is to be kind and understanding, to share positivity but still keep it real. Real life is just like the pain prison I’ve been in; there will be good days vs bad days, good people vs not so good people, happy times vs sad times, fun filled days vs pain filled days. Life in the real world is not always fair, it’s not always equal, it doesn’t always make sense in the moment, but it is the same learning experience for everyone.

If all of God’s children are apples and we all work together we can make some pretty dang tasty apple cider, can’t we? Stay happy my friends, it makes everything better!