Sunday, September 27, 2015

David Alan Part 2

I guess you could call this another "brag page" but that's not what I'm intending. Still, look at this guy and tell me he isn't adorable?!?

When I stopped teaching the IBS symptoms abated. That isn't to say everything was great right away from having a VBAC. Far from it. And nursing...shudder! I made myself stick with it for 6 months but this baby had colic. My poor neighbors would hear me walking him around outside when I got so distraught that I would try ANYTHING to help soothe him.

Unfortunately that ended up with me having to eat bland foods and only one glass of milk per day. And you know the weird thing? Dominoes pizza affected him but not other kinds. Yeah, it was a REALLY long 6 months for me.

I had my first run in with my pediatrician soon after I stopped nursing. Alan was odd in that he would not put anything in his mouth...other than his fingers and toes. He did not want a bottle, too bad little boy! He finally got used to that and I introduced him to solid foods quickly because he hated the bottle so much.

He would grab toys and/or candy from his sister but never put them in his mouth. I would set Cheerios in front of him. He would grab them and then cry because he couldn't/wouldn't eat them. He just didn't figure out how to actually insert food from the hands for a long long time. Weird but totally nice when I didn't have to worry about him choking. (Let's count the blessings, right?)

Back to the pediatrician run I didn't forget. So I noticed that he didn't seem to be gaining much weight. He was kind of slower than normal on some of the physical mile stones, too. I brought it up at his 9 month visit and the doc picked him up and said, looking at baby Alan, "These new mommies. They always have to have something to worry about, don't they?"

So I didn't think much about it. Until I noticed he wasn't even crawling by 12 months and he was scrawny. At his year check up I found my voice. I told the front desk and the doc I would not leave until he addressed his weight. The doctor admitted he did seem on the small side. No, that was not good enough. I was adamant that I would not leave until he showed me Alan's weight progression on the chart. You know the one, where they chart it on an average growth wave showing what is normal.

It was then and only then that he realized my baby hadn't gained any weight from 6-12 months! NOW he was concerned and sent us in for testing. I made sure to get my records from him and his office because I told him I wouldn't be coming back. HE should have been telling ME I needed to be concerned.

After testing we realized that by not nursing and not giving him enough formula...too much big people food...he was not getting enough fat and/or calories in his diet. Yeah, chalk one up for a big time Mommy Fail! He had to start drinking 4 cans of PediaSure every day. He put on a pound in the next week and started crawling.

That stuff is really expensive and I couldn't afford to buy it. So you know what we did instead that worked? We gave him a bottle of 50% whole milk and 50% half and half along with table food. We just made sure he got the equivalent of 4 cans of PediaSure and it worked just fine at a fraction of the cost. And he was soon into a sippy cup.

But you know, be careful what you wish for. ;) That little guy was soon into everything and he was not nearly as angelic acting as he looked! Phew, that guy would scream and throw tantrums like his older sister NEVER did. So much for me knowing what I was doing as a parent.

But I kept babysitting, parenting, and plugging along. Until Dave decided that two was so much better than one that we should have another. And this time I wasn't quite ready for the next pregnancy!

To be continued...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Brag Page

I'm going to lift myself up and do a brag page right now. Why? Because BHiBTBS and I've learned a lot on how to make my current situation into a profitable hobby. How? Self learning, creativity, and loyal and appreciative customers. No, none of these are family members so don't even ask. :)

Yes, I will make something similar for you. Yes, you can comment or email me and I will ship and I will accept Pay Pal. And heck yes, I have many other "skills" I'll brag about if y'all want! (Probably even if you don't want!)

But today I'm also going to show you my biggest brag family.

This is my response to the ShoutYourAbortion nonsense going on. I'm shouting/celebrating my 4 pregnancies. And my 4 beautiful children. Please friends, #ShoutYourPregnancy and let's show these women who have abortions that it isn't something to be proudly declaring to the world. Motherhood is. Even if it means placing your child in adoption.

I can show you pictures and tell you stories from my own personal family of all kinds of social and personal situations you might find yourself in. Unwanted pregnancy, getting married because of said pregnancy, wanting a baby so bad you adopt, getting a vasectomy reversed because you want a baby so bad, in vitro, hormones to try and get pregnant, single parenthood, biracial parenting, teenage pregnancy, yada yada yada. I don't know of personal stories of family members having abortions and/or cases of violent rape or incest. I doubt most of the people shouting and bragging about abortions have. That really is NOT the norm. I also don't have family stories of druggie daughters selling themselves on the streets or running away and prostituting themselves to survive. But I DO have stories of children being forced out of their home because of immoral behavior. So please don't tell me I don't understand the different angles of abortion. Do YOU have all of these personal experiences to draw on? I hope not. It isn't happy making.

Would I love family members any less if they admitted to having an abortion or wanting one? Nope. I can love you but not what you do/have done. (I also have a family member who is a convicted pedophiles. Also a family members who was rape and murdered in her own home. And you thought all Mormons/Christians led a peaceful prosperous life!) That applies to you, my online family as well.

I'm not judging you personally but I am judging your actions. I believe that is what Christ did and what he expects of us. Not to put you down but to try and help you from doing something like that again. Or to stop you from aborting a child of God right now and/or in the future.

BHiBTBS but following Christ is always best. Have a great day and let me know if you'd like me to share my developed talents. :)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

David Alan Part 1

Today I saw a post on FB about earthquakes in South America. She mentioned her nephew serving a mission in Peru was in her prayers. Hmm. Remember those 4 kids I have? My eldest son, the one I did NOT name Ryan Nicholas, is now serving a mission in Arequipa, Peru. He has been there for over a year. Kinda made me want to google what she was referring to. Let me tell you about child #2 since I've greatly gotten off track when it comes to me personally.

Going back in I was a young mom teaching special education as a first grade teacher while my husband went to graduate school. The love of our life, Jennifer, went to a babysitters nearby. (As a side note, did you know my first annual salary as a teacher was less than $17,000? No wonder there aren't many teachers who can survive on one paycheck!)

I honestly didn't know how I could love another child as much as I loved her. Is that bad to say? Parents, you probably know what I'm talking about. I hope so. So Dave and I decided it was time to extend our family. But this time I didn't get pregnant right away. This time I was already experiencing health issues that were vague. Irritable bowel syndrome. My first ever migraine. This was all AFTER giving birth to Jennifer. Let's also include my first trip to the ER with a fever of 105. That was our very first Father's Day as parents. Mastitis so bad I had IV therapy. They left the IV tube in my hand and I had to go to the ER everyday for 3 more days to get massive doses of antibiotics. I also had the "privilege" of every nurse and doctor in the ER wanting to come take a look. "I've never seen mastitis this bad in a human before! Only in a cow." Not quite the 15 minutes of fame I was looking for.

I also had laser surgery for ingrown toenails. First time for that. I also had a massive infection in a tooth that I had had a root canal on when I was 8 years old. It had abscessed when I was 16 and we thought whatever I had done then had taken care of it. Not so. I ended up losing the tooth and massive amounts of bone had been eaten away by infection. Thus I had to have a bone graft. They used ground up bone from cadavers to hopefully fool my body into regrowing bone there so I'd have something for them to adhere an implant to. After 6 months we realized that didn't take so I ended up with a bridge instead. I also had my first crown and tons of other orthodontic/oral surgeries. Good thing my husband's grandmother had a "Dollars for Scholars" account she would let her grand kids borrow from for college expenses. Apparently this qualified.

Anyway...I was getting pregnant and this time we were actually on decent insurance...mine through the school. But if I didn't get pregnant RIGHT NOW I was going to be in a pickle. You see, Dave was graduating and it was time for us to move on. Insurance for me as a school teacher would continue even after school was out in May but it would terminate in August when school resumed and I was no longer teaching. Uh oh. So we prayed. I was getting very nervous but wouldn't you know it, I got pregnant. But my due date was August 7th. Cutting it very close. And what if we moved away from Utah? We would no longer be in network so there goes insurance being affordable.

Teaching special ed while being pregnant wasn't too bad. Unless you count the one time my first grader head butted me while we were waiting for the school bus. I missed the next day because my body/uterus was not liking that. What was nice was that now I could get one ultrasound covered and we were able to learn the sex of this baby. Yay! Our first son. You know my debate on names but we decided to go with a familial name instead...David Alan. I didn't want to call him David or Dave, I wanted to call him Alan, but David Alan just seemed to flow better than Alan David.

Spring was rolling around, I was getting bigger and bigger, and more and more worried because now it was time for Dave to graduate. He HAD to get a good job with good insurance but what company would want to take me on? Talk about a preexisting condition! He had one GREAT lead, Intel, but it was in Oregon. I had never even considered living there but yet I cried as he flew out for his last interview. "It's OK, Lisa. I'll be fine and back in a few days." I had to admit that I wasn't crying because I was worried about his safety. I was crying because he HAD to get this job! I didn't want to deliver a baby and then turn around a couple weeks later and teach again. How's that for honesty?

He did get the job. He even looked at houses for us to live in while he was there. He found a new construction that was underway that we could actually afford. Strangers let him video tape their house in the development since their house was the same floor plan. But back then there was no Internet (at least not for me.) I told him to buy the thing sight unseen. My co teachers thought I was crazy. Are you kidding me? I was living in a BYU trailer, essentially a box car with walls and plumbing and electricity. How could I not love a NEW house? Especially one that I would get to pick colors on since it was still not finished??? I've always been a realist.

And even better, they would cover my preexisting condition. I think we paid maybe $10 for this baby. Ahhh! You want to hear something "realistic"? I was too pregnant to drive so I also got to fly to Oregon instead of driving with the truck loaded with our meager belongings. Play that pregnancy card for all it's worth, ladies! It helped that Dave's brother and his wife drove along with Dave and had everything unloaded before Jennifer and I got there. BUT...the house wasn't finished. It was unloaded into a top floor apartment about 45 minutes away. Yuck. You do what you gotta do, though, right?

Changing doctors with only a few months left in your pregnancy. Yuck. You do what you gotta do, though, right? I was pretty adamant that I didn't want another C-section if it were possible and this doctor would actually attempt a VBAC. I was young and healthy and he monitored me closely.

Can I just say that being pregnant while I was going to school was really tough. Being pregnant while I was teaching school and had a toddler was even more difficult. Especially there at the end when I was HUGE. In a new city, a 3rd floor apartment, no one I really knew, and a toddler to entertain during the day. Imagine our horror when I got put on bed rest. Uh oh. We had been attending the church area where our HOUSE was, not our apartment, so I didn't even know any of the local church ladies. Dave called and asked for help but we were told the names of ladies we could HIRE to watch Jennifer for us. That isn't usually the way it works in the Mormon church and you can imagine that paying two house payments just coming out of college was pretty tough. We ended up flying out Dave's mom to help. She was there 2 weeks but no baby came. My mom flew out next and that is when Alan finally came, right on his due date.

I'm not sure of how much detail I should go into about that VBAC. It was not pleasant. It wasn't working, either, so the doctor had to use a vacuum and help pull him out. He had a massive bruise on the top/back of his head for weeks and that caused some jaundice. Recovery for me was not as long lasting as a C-section but man, was it difficult from the trauma of giving birth. And nursing was no better. Men, the things you don't have to worry about! Women, some of you seem to have it pretty easy where this is considered. I did not.

And we moved when he was less than a week old. Into the new house. That wasn't quite done yet. But we were supposed to be out of the apartment by August 1st and they were doing us a favor in letting us extend a few weeks. The front door of the house didn't even have the deadbolt installed yet. My mom literally put a sock in it.

Can I just say here how much I love my mom? She was the biggest help. And so was Dave's mom. We never could have made it as comfortably without them. And now I had a dilemma. Being a homeowner had a lot more hidden expenses then we had planned on. Dave's "huge" salary compared to my teaching salary was not able to stretch as far as we thought. Wasn't it flattering when I called the nearby school and asked if they needed a tutor they could recommend to parents and they offered me a teaching position right there over the phone? I was certified, had experience, and school started in two weeks. Ha Ha! Flattering but so not gonna happen. So I ended up doing babysitting out of my home instead.

Let's end Part 1 here by showing you some pics of the adorable David "Alan".

Sunday, September 13, 2015


I've been wondering if I need to go get my hormonal levels checked or something (I do have that in the works.) I've been wondering if I should go ahead and reschedule for December with the pain clinic. Really bummed about that but the happier I am the busier I am and the more active I am and the more that flares fibromyalgia. Really, really, bummed about that one. But then I remembered. Debating! The old me, like really far far back, liked to debate!

My favorite debater was a boy named Nick. (Why am I friends on FB with his younger brothers but not him?) I think we all called him Nicky until he got older, that's how long I knew him. He lived about 20 minutes away but we went to church together so we saw each other AT LEAST twice a week for Primary activities and Sunday School. All the way through high school.

Now Nick and I were never more than friends but we would debate (pretend argue) over EVERYTHING. Why? I don't know but we sure had fun doing it. Drove our leaders crazy. No one ever won or lost because we really didn't care about the subject. You know how that goes? Maybe you don't have siblings or something but that's how Nick and I were.

It may have been late middle school or so another boy moved into the area. His name was Ryan and if I recall correctly he liked to debate with us, too. Again, never any romantic intentions (we weren't picking on/arguing with each other because we had crushes...or at least I sure didn't!), just fun. FYI: When I was pregnant with my first boy I really considered naming him Ryan Nicholas. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Anyway, I went off to college, got married, had a family, and I guess I got so caught up with life that I dropped that debating "skill". Then all I ever wanted was peace and quiet.

But now...oh man! Is it hormones? Is it being released from chronic pain because of the treatment? Or is it because the chronic pain is returning? I don't know but my arguing, I mean debating, skills are back in full force!

You know my BF (best friend) who unfriended me on FB (Facebook)? She and I still email so no worries, blog friends. (Hmm, guess I can't call you BFs since that one is already taken.) She did that because I was getting too political and too "debatish?" for her tastes. Well, today she sent me an email and said she had time to catch up on my blog. Her only description...Interesting. I kinda think that is another 4 letter word like FINE. That means nothing to me. But OK. We'll talk about other things that make us both happy. Being happy is better than debating...especially if it keeps you your BF. 

I've learned to tone it down with my hubby, my BFF. We are totally on the same page about most things anyway. But whoa Nelly! Now I'm getting into it with my brother! On FB! Getting into what, Lisa? Debating. That's what I'll call it. It almost always start with politics and then I move it into religion. The two are so intertwined to me. Almost everything intertwines with religion to me nowadays. I like it. If you don't, you'd better stop reading now. Because I figured I'd share some more of FB debates. (Remember, that is how I do a lot of my socializing since I'm kinda limited as to things physicality wise.)

My point is this...I don't mean to argue. I REALLY do mean to least Ryan Nicholas style. Hopefully that makes sense to everyone.

Something to be proud of? 😐
In Denver, there were 204 medical marijuana dispensaries as of October 2012. That's roughly three times the number of Starbucks and McDonald's combined, reported CBS "60 Minutes."
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  • Gretchen Leech likes this.
  • Lisa Peart That's playing with numbers, don't you think? 204 = 3 times the total number of Starbucks and McDonalds...all throughout Denver? Maybe. I don't live in Denver and it's no Austin. Whatever. Government needs to butt out of businesses and the health industry...especially since they don't know me or my doctors and their recommendations, so I say be proud...for the moment.
  • Tammera Ellis Alexander I respectfully completely disagree, Lisa Peart. Unless you live in Denver metro area you have NO idea what's going on. Do you really think the government is not involved with the pot industry?? They are completely involved. When you can't drive down I-70 without smelling marijuana it's just excessive. Ppl are smoking it while they drive & when they use those Vaps things police can't tell by looking at them if they are smoking tobacco or pot. Yes, it's like alcohol. Has anyone thought about the number of pregnancies & infants & toddlers that will be effected by mom's smoking pot? In the past if a mom came in & was suspected to have smoked pot, you could do a drug test & authorities could get involved if positive. Now a woman can come in high as he** & nothing can be done. Have you researched how marijuana effects the developing fetus? Probably not. What about ppl who are in recovery? They don't have a right to live in a clear, clean environment? You may say, "they are exposed to alcohol" & if you lived here you'd understand it's totally not the same. You can for the most part avoid alcohol by where you go; however, you can't with pot. You live in a good neighborhood? Go to your backyard with your kid to play, your neighbors outside in their yard smoking pot. Trust you smell it. You walk in parking lot to go to Target, someone is sitting on bench smoking weed. You live in an apartment or a condo, guess what? The smell comes thru your vents. It's ridiculous!!! I'm not even taking the time to explain what the pot industry has done to our housing market. Kirsten Vacin Schwendiman is right~~ we should be ashamed. We let the tiger out of the bag (for money) without thinking it thru. We needed to have laws & rules & ways to test & enforce them BEFORE legalizing pot. But instead we have our head in the tigers mouth & now realize we really don't know how to tame the tiger.
    • Lisa Peart Coming from someone who would love to have legal marijuana for medical reasons, I see your point. I really do. I don't want to smoke it because who knows what it does to your lungs? But I would appreciate it in brownies or I'd even chew it plain. It's ...See More
    • Lisa Peart
      Write a reply...
  • Kevin J. Farese Weed is nothing like ALCOHOL. Been smoking for over 40 years now,and I rather be high on pot than drunk on alcohol. Where have you heard of somebody smoking pot driving down the wrong side of the highway and hitting somebody head on and killing them but the driver that was high on pot survived? NEVER. However,I can appreciate someone that does not smoke it should not have to put up with it in their surroundings all the time just like cigarette smoke.
  • Tammera Ellis Alexander Kevin Farese, alcohol & marijuana are a like and different. I appreciate you understanding those who don't smoke shouldn't have to smell it. Here's an article about car accidents & marijuana use. Also there have been ppl who got high & did something ri...See More
  • Lisa Peart That's my point, though, Tammera Ellis Alexander. People intent on being high will find ways to do it. Drugs, alcohol, paint, herbs, prescriptions, gases, whatever they can find or try. These kinds of people don't care about themselves, or you, or laws, or even their own kids. People will self destruct because they have that choice. It's sad and a shame but it's reality. I'd rather them walk out their own windows then have them break into my house to steal. I'd rather them be locked up. But the people who make and follow rules/laws are not the people who should be punished. How about the govt interpret correctly the laws already on the books? How about they go about enforcing them correctly? Politics, police, religion, family...nothing matters to addicts except themselves. Get away if you can. Help if you can. Love them. But stop making more rules for the rest of us. The poor cops can never keep up.
  • Tammera Ellis Alexander Lisa Peart, I'm sincerely sorry that medically you need something like marijuana. I think that IF society actually wanted to make it medically safe & effective for ppl to utilize marijuana for actual medical conditions I would totally be okay with that. Unfortunately, Colorado should not be looked at as a how to do it. Look at it as how NOT to do it. 'Drs' popped up all over & saw (solely) ppl who were seeking medical marijuana. They wrote scripts for ppl who had sprained their back, or who had depression or bipolar, or who irritable bowel syndrome. It really became a joke. You'd make an appt with a "Pot Dr" pay $250 for visit & another amount for registration. Remember insurance doesn't cover this. Then ppl go regularly to keep scripts active. As far as it being a herb...that would have been 'old school weed'. This is NOT the pot I smoked in high school or ppl smoked in the 70's or 60's. This is THC on steroids. It has been manipulated, crossbred, and chemically/genetically altered. Please don't mistake it as natural. Cocca leaves are a plant; however, I don't think it'd be helpful for ppl to chew as a diet aid (plant we get cocaine from). Also those beautiful poppies make all of the world's heroin. I support a person's right to choose marijuana; I would just like the medical community & government to do the right thing~ actually provide a safe, well regulated & monitored marijuana for use by patients truly need it. But hey, we give methadone to heroin addicts. We need to acknowledge, address, and solve these issues before we all make it legal.
  • Tammera Ellis Alexander Ppl are still breaking into homes & self destructing even though we thought we could get rid of heroin related crimes by prescribing methadone. Oxycotin was given liberally for pain & now it's cheaper for ppl to by heroin. I agree ppl are going to self destruct with what ever they want. I don't care to make it easier on them, especially if it puts my rights at risk. I guess we'll just have to respectfully disagree. There isn't an easy answer, but there is right & wrong.
  • Kirsten Vacin Schwendiman Sorry friends, I didn't mean to start anything by posting that this morning. Just really hard to see what's happening here.
  • Tammera Ellis Alexander Kirsten Vacin Schwendiman I hold no ill thoughts about this discussion or your friends. I hope they don't either. I think its great to have conversations like this. We need to share info so we can not make the same mistakes moving forward. Thank you Lisa for having a civil exchange. I hope I didn't offend you or you Kirsten. 

  • A concept some people can't grasp
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Let me just insert here that Bri messaged me and was not at all offended by my comments, more her "friendly neighbor". And just FYI: here is what turned up on my wall when I posted that exact same thing:

Sorry, I don't agree. On today of all day's that's like saying, "Claiming that some other religion's victory is against your religion is like being angry at someone for smashing planes into your buildings because your people, whatever their religion, were at work." Victory is subject. Marriage is not. Read the Bible.
A concept some people can't grasp
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Thanks, Steve Hamm. This is why I've been so heavy handed with my fb posts, etc. Put up or shut people.
Note: This system of government was not designed to be just or wise. It was not designed to always get it right. It was not designed to do the smartest thing or the modern thing. It was designed to put the governed in the driver's seat. It protects your right to vote. It is designed to preserve the mechanisms for creating an informed public. It was designed to encourage debate/discussion so that we could convince our fellows that our position is the best one and to impact their voting accordingly. The body that is the public is placed in a position to grab the reins.
If the body that is the public wishes to use that power for stupidity or for justice, so be it. It is within the power of the governed to do that. That is the purpose of the design. Politicians are placed in a position to obey, but only if we make them. If you don't get informed and you don't get involved, then those office holders have no reason do give a damn what your will is. Their job is to obey the people who exert their will through voting so that they can gain and stay in office. For them, career success hinges on obeying the people who bother to get informed and vote. Your job is to use your free speech to convince others of the correctness or superiority of your ideas and also to convince them to exert their will through participation. If only 10% of the people vote, then the people seeking election will obey the majority of those 10%. That would mean that 5%+1 of voters wins.
A few sentences ago I said this: "Their job is to obey the people who exert their will through voting so that they can gain and stay in office. For them, career success hinges on obeying the people who bother to get informed and vote." Guess what! That is exactly what they are doing and have been doing. Stop blaming them for the state of things and the calculating that they have done in order to continue to get elected. It worked. That's why they are in office.
Want change? Grab the damn reins. Things like our foreign policy and the USA Patriot Act really bring this into focus for me. I hate American foreign policy. I particularly hate it post 9-11. I think that is was 9-12 when I first started cringing every time some jackass within ear shot said "9-11 changed everything!" No, it didn't. 9-11 killed lot of people and destroyed some buildings. Our stupid, overly machismo driven, scared reaction is what changed everything. The fact is the will of the people is why we continue to have this foreign policy. You can blame Bush. You can blame Obama. You can call them both blood thirsty for all of the bombing going on over there. You can call Obama just as bad a Bush for not repealing the Patriot Act. Guess what! Obama was elected president, not dictator. He couldn't repeal the Patriot Act if he wanted to. It's the law. He has to obey it until such time as it isn't the law and he is not a legislator let alone a one man legislative majority.
Do you know when the Patriot Act will go away, if ever? When enough people make an election issue out of it that there are a sufficient number of house districts and senate seats that cannot be won without the person seeking that office committing to repealing that stupid scared reaction which is currently compounding the damage that 9-11 did to our nation. That there are a lot of people who would disagree with my assessment of our post 9-11 reaction and the stupidity of the "9-11 changed everything!" mentality only serves to prove my point regarding the function of our system of government and who is responsible for what it does. Between 9-11 and now, those people who disagree with me have had more say at the voting box than people who agree with me have. I think the attitude is beginning to change and maybe we'll be able to set it right again, but when we do, it will be because the majority of involved, voting Americans have willed it to be so.
Want a president who doesn't have such a bloody, unjust foreign policy? Guess when it will happen. I'll give you a hint: If a president decides by himself to stop with all of the violence and the public disagrees, that president will not get re-elected (may even get impeached) and will be replaced with one who will do what the public wants and keep the vile and vicious foreign policy going the way that it has been.
Stop blaming the politicians. Stop blaming the parties. Stop blaming anything but the nonvoters and start trying to influence opinions among voters. The system is working as it is supposed to. We are in the driver's seat. Our steering needs to improve.
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  • Dan Solove likes this.
  • Lisa Peart Sorry, Dan Solove. Doesn't mean I agree with your politics or way of thinking. I just posted this recently in someone else's back & forth:

    Force will never change anyone's mind or opinion. We all know that. People need jobs to work & earn a living. I
     think we can agree on both of those things. So what do you do when you've been working at a job for years & suddenly the job description changes just the slightest bit? You have no say in it & for whatever reason you no longer feel comfortable. It's just that one tiny rule/law change that bothers you, though. Should you be forced to resign immediately? Fired? Forced to participate in something you don't want to? Or better yet, how about getting the media involved so you get sent to jail? Just because other people said you had to do it. If that isn't force I don't know what is! But let's say you are in politics. Let's say Hillary Clinton. You know the rules, life no private server, but you think you can do it anyway for whatever reason. You aren't forced to apologize for getting caught. You lie about it & try to cover it up. You blame yourself (I didn't know better), you blame your daughter (Chelsea wiped it clean because she had post partum depression & didn't want me to get in trouble), and then told all her employees to lie & delete their emails from her. Why isn't she asked to resign? Why isn't she asked to go to jail or quit her job? Why isn't she FORCED? She is a government employee. "I don't care her religion...just telling her she had to do her job. If a gay person (religious person, black, white, old, young, male, or female person) was holding a job position,they would be expected to do their job and follow the law as well." I couldn't agree with you more!
  • Dan Solove · Friends with Steve Hamm
    Kim Davis took an oath to uphold the law upon taking her job. She was aware that the law could change and the oath would remain regardless. She is not refusing to put mayonnaise on a sandwich because she thinks its gross. She is refusing to uphold t...See More
  • Lisa Peart "I agree, Marv Shump. Then we can jail Hillary. Maybe she can be in the same cell as the woman clerk who wouldn't sign papers. Or terrorists. Or drug dealers. Or a cop who was too forceful. Nice!" This is my response just now to this article. Pretty soon everyone in America will be in jail...or eligible...because laws change all the time. See you in the slammer, Dan Solove.
    • Dan Solove · Friends with Steve Hamm
      No, when laws change we are free to comply with them. We only go to jail if we choose not to obey the law. Nobody who isn't voluntarily in a government position in the clerks office has any need to comply with this law. She took the job voluntarily, she swore the oath voluntarily, and she chooses to stay in the position without following the law voluntarily. Why have any laws if we aren't compelled to obey them?
    • Lisa Peart Amen! Too many laws. Government can butt out. This couple wasn't happy with a civil union, they were insisting on marriage. Sorry, y'all. Marriage should only be between consulting and women who understand science, that males are males, females are females, and that the two are separate and unique. If people can't understand that they need more than a Bible to help them.
    • Dan Solove · Friends with Steve Hamm
      That's not what I said. And it you want fewer laws we can start with getting out of the way on defining what marriage is for everyone who doesn't have your point of view. Or is government only supposed to get out of the way when you aren't wielding it...See More
    • Lisa Peart I'm fine with government getting out of the marriage business all together these days. Before it was an incentive for men and women to stay together. To give them tax breaks for having and supporting a family. When the family has been so completely red...See More
    • Dan Solove · Friends with Steve Hamm
      Before this "redefinition", I knew and still do know a few couples that are not able to have children and a lot of women that remarried after menopause. They can't have kids and raise a family. Should their marriages have been void? What about if a ...See More
    • Lisa Peart Being Happy is Better Than Being Smart. That's the name of my blog if you want to see why I've become so gung ho into politics lately. I'm no great debater, no great scholar, but I'm just having fun with the political process for the first time in my l...See More
    • Lisa Peart
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    • Lisa Peart I don't know about that, those are mighty big words that I don't quite understand. But I do understand these ones. Wouldn't you agree with these, Steve Hamm? "Where is the call for President Obama to resign for ignoring and defying our immigration laws, our welfare reform laws, and even his own Obamacare?"
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    • Steve Hamm Two wrongs don't make a right. She is free to practice her religion as she sees fit, that's not the issue. She's isn't free to deny others their rights, especially since she's in a position of power. In my opinion, this isn't about religion or freedom,...See More
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    • Lisa Peart
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  • Lisa Peart I'll agree, two wrongs don't make a right. I personally think she is awesome! I abhor our president & modern philosophical views. It's time for the little guy (or girl) to stand up to power hungry leaders that don't follow the very rules they create. B...See More
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  • Lisa Peart And while I'm at it, Steve Hamm. Dan can jump in here, too, why aren't y'all jumping all over the black lesbian JUDGE who refuses to marry heterosexuals? Not her clerk...the judge...sworn to protect & uphold the law. Why isn't she in jail? Who gets to ...See More
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  • Steve Hamm I don't care if our politicians believe in God, The Easter Bunny, are Atheist or Muslim, as long as they keep their personal belief system out of policy and let other people have the same rights and privileges as everyone else, it matters not to me. When God rules your country, it gets dangerous real quick. Everyone has different rules for their God.
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    • Lisa Peart
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  • Lisa Peart So who should rule? Those with money? Those born to a ruler? Atheists? Too bad our country isn't ruled by a real vote instead of states getting votes. Who is ever really ruled by the voice of the people? That's not how my house is ruled & I know yours isn't either. My house my rules. Whose earth are you living on? And don't tell me you don't know. I don't care what you call yourself now but you are too smart to know it didn't come from a big bang. Or maybe you are too prideful to admit it nowadays. I'm not smart, I'm not all pc, I'm not all health conscious, but I'm no dummy, either. And neither are you. Our momma didn't raise fools and neither did our daddy. We'll all go out of this world with the same things. Intelligence that we earn and gain and blessings for obedience. Don't screw it up.

  • I guess what I need to point out here is that I am not intending to throw anyone under the bus. I figure if you post it on FB it's fine to post it with the world. That's why I don't copy/share everything my BF tells me in her emails. But that's also why I'm not responding to my BF's email right now. I'm too much in a debating mood over right or wrong. 

  • Maybe it's because it's the Sabbath, my beautiful day of peace and rest, so I have time to really think and ponder on holy subjects. Like my family and their eternal salvation. Like our country and our future. But most of all I am more concerned about my own. I'm not gay bashing, I'm not being racist, I'm not religion bashing, I AM political bashing and I'm fine saying that. I'm not trying to start a Civil War within my own family. Or with the world.

  • I'm just standing for truth and righteousness. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint style according to me. I'm not speaking for every/any one else. Just me. And if I'm wrong...well...BHiBTBS. (Being Happy is Better Than Being Smart.)