Sunday, September 6, 2015


Light...isn't it amazing how many different meanings this one word can have? My Light Up The Sky post has gotten more views than anything I've ever posted.Granted it's been only a month since I've been blogging but, well, you know.

I'm curious as to what light means to other people. Here are some ways I would describe it...heat, warmth, guiding, happy, safe, knowledge, technology, education, peace. Now 6 months ago (and sometimes still) light can also mean pain. Too much light...heat, education, technology...that can give me headaches still. As I'm sure it does to any/everyone else, too.

So let's contrast that with dark. Here are ways I describe dark: scary, fear, anger, turmoil, cold, oppressive, confined, stillness, questions, lack...always a lack of something. A lack of light, wouldn't you say? (Though again I have to admit that when I'm in pain (mental or physical) sometimes I really crave darkness. Why? It helps migraines go away and sometimes when I'm really grouchy and argumentative it's just best to give me a time out. You know what I mean.)

Why would someone choose darkness over light? Obviously I choose it when I'm in severe pain. Or I want to sleep. Or be left alone. How about you? Why do you choose darkness over light?

When people "like" what I've shared on Light Up The Sky I'm hoping it's because they can see light in my attitude. Light in my step. Light in my eyes. I'm sure feeling all that now and I sure wasn't 6 months ago!

So why aren't I singing the praises of my ketamine infusion? So many other people comment and post on Light Up The Sky that they are recovering addicts. They were trapped in darkness for years and years, some of them. Most tell the story that they had a hard childhood or something traumatic happened to them and that is why they turned to drugs...or whatever their addiction is/was. But somehow or other they were able to see the Light and get off the path of addiction. Why wouldn't I want to help them in that if they are turning to drugs because of chronic pain (migraines, fibromyalgia, depression)? 

I've given that more thought today and it's because that isn't my first choice for fighting addiction. Fighting drug addiction or chronic pain or depression is VERY REAL! But look closely at so many of those other posts. Most of them turn to a different "light" other than drugs. And that is what ketmaine treatments are. 

What is the Light so many others turn to? Most of you probably won't check back to see since Light Up The Sky is a private page. Many show mug shots. Or of themselves passed out or stoned. That was my first picture...though I was "stoned" in a controlled office environment. But no, many many many also point to a different "light"...The light of religion. And since I'm American and I think most of those posts are from other same minded Americans, most I've seen start praising Jesus.

Is that what I've been leading up to? Yes, I guess so. That is where I would advise you turn to first if you are experiencing any of the things I've experienced. That's where I would tell an addict of ANY kind to turn...turn to Christ. Turn to God. That is your number one defense against darkness. It is better than any counseling, any medication, any physical therapy, chiropractor, massage therapist, surgery, yada yada yada. Trust me, this I can testify...I have turned to each and every one of those other things and none of them are as effective as the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Darkness is evil. Darkness is not happy making. Darkness does not help with what ails you in the long run. That is Satan, the opposite of light. 

Would you agree? 

If you REALLY want to know how to turn to Jesus I CAN help you. How? I don't even know you and you don't know me. I'm a stranger in the world wide web. Well guess what? You've found me. Something has led you here. I can continue to be a stranger to you. That's fine. I'm not going to convince you of anything, you have to do that on your own. I'm not your doctor, your religious adviser, your friend/acquaintance/relative/neighbor, etc in most cases. But I AM your sister in Christ and because of that I love you and want you to have the peace and happiness I feel when I am not surrounded by pain.

And that, friends, is why I encourage you to check out over any other treatment option. has free addiction recovery programs throughout the world. They don't care what your addiction is...drugs, alcohol, tobacco, porn, sex, etc. These are volunteers who want to help you first find the Light of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Those of you who still need help from Light Up The Sky...please go there. Your mug shots and stoner shots are heartbreaking. I don't want you suffering pain...mental or I've suffered. 

Pain does not equal happiness. This I know. And with that, I wish y'all a happy Sabbath :)

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