Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Brag Page

I'm going to lift myself up and do a brag page right now. Why? Because BHiBTBS and I've learned a lot on how to make my current situation into a profitable hobby. How? Self learning, creativity, and loyal and appreciative customers. No, none of these are family members so don't even ask. :)

Yes, I will make something similar for you. Yes, you can comment or email me and I will ship and I will accept Pay Pal. And heck yes, I have many other "skills" I'll brag about if y'all want! (Probably even if you don't want!)

But today I'm also going to show you my biggest brag family.

This is my response to the ShoutYourAbortion nonsense going on. I'm shouting/celebrating my 4 pregnancies. And my 4 beautiful children. Please friends, #ShoutYourPregnancy and let's show these women who have abortions that it isn't something to be proudly declaring to the world. Motherhood is. Even if it means placing your child in adoption.

I can show you pictures and tell you stories from my own personal family of all kinds of social and personal situations you might find yourself in. Unwanted pregnancy, getting married because of said pregnancy, wanting a baby so bad you adopt, getting a vasectomy reversed because you want a baby so bad, in vitro, hormones to try and get pregnant, single parenthood, biracial parenting, teenage pregnancy, yada yada yada. I don't know of personal stories of family members having abortions and/or cases of violent rape or incest. I doubt most of the people shouting and bragging about abortions have. That really is NOT the norm. I also don't have family stories of druggie daughters selling themselves on the streets or running away and prostituting themselves to survive. But I DO have stories of children being forced out of their home because of immoral behavior. So please don't tell me I don't understand the different angles of abortion. Do YOU have all of these personal experiences to draw on? I hope not. It isn't happy making.

Would I love family members any less if they admitted to having an abortion or wanting one? Nope. I can love you but not what you do/have done. (I also have a family member who is a convicted pedophiles. Also a family members who was rape and murdered in her own home. And you thought all Mormons/Christians led a peaceful prosperous life!) That applies to you, my online family as well.

I'm not judging you personally but I am judging your actions. I believe that is what Christ did and what he expects of us. Not to put you down but to try and help you from doing something like that again. Or to stop you from aborting a child of God right now and/or in the future.

BHiBTBS but following Christ is always best. Have a great day and let me know if you'd like me to share my developed talents. :)

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