Tuesday, September 1, 2015

What Matters?

Today I'm going to do some copy/paste ing. My favorite thing because it's quick and easy and you don't have to listen to me. Listen to these wise people instead.












Now you've had plenty time to see what is most important to me...and some of what I just think is funny.

I Matter. You Matter. They Matter. We all Matter. God Be With You Till We Meet Again.



And the videos? There is some back story to those. First let me explain. You see, I was still unsure of what happened to me and I was still considered "abnormal" yet but I was cleared to travel so I went to a family reunion of sorts in Virgina during all of July. I wasn't even sure if I could drive but I did and obviously we made it both there and back just fine. With me still on all of my "regular" drugs. Phew!
But see, I didn't bring a bathing suit or anything. I haven't even swam in the pool in my own backyard for years so why bother? Plus did you see that part about us driving? From TX to VA is almost a 24 hour drive, folks. I actually packed like a man and fit EVERYTHING into a carry on suitcase and a backpack. ME! For a month! All my meds and clothes and shoes etc. Crazy, huh?

So weren't we all surprised that I could actually function when we got there. Not only function but participate. Now this was new to everyone. So when my husband and bro in law decided to make a zipline across our pond I was the videographer. Until the day I got a wild hair and decided to go do it myself. I DID have the forethought to take off my watch and have someone else hold the camera.
But notice there was no hesitation once I was committed. And it was awesome! So awesome I decided to try something even more stupid. Find the video of my total wipe out on the rope swing. Again, I had the forethought to have a kid hold the camera to video tape it but why wouldn't I listen to my bro in law who tried to tell me I didn't have the upper body strength? If you listen closely I even say I know I'll get hurt. 
But look real close again and you'll notice that I did actually get both feet up off the ground before I totally fell off that rope. And the kids love to watch the video and hear my little "Oomph!" as I fell. I really wish I would have had my other brother's phone app on that one. An app that slowed everything down and could increase the volume of my "Oomph!" 
What you don't see on the video is that I really hurt the middle fingers on both of my hands. Like within minutes I was walking the quarter mile back to the house to have my mom help me take care of myself. Did I break them? I don't know but to this day one middle finger is bruised in the nail and the other one still wakes me up moaning in pain some mornings. It feels like the pain is moving up above the knuckle now so maybe I don't have arthritis in it? I don't know. It doesn't matter. What is done is done. But man, was it fun!
So fun that a couple days later I decided to participate in an all day zipline course in West Virginia. This time we'd have 9 REAL zip lines thru the mountains. Hooked to guide wires. And there were rope swings with ladder type boards at the bottom as you hiked along from zipline to zipline. Yeah, you can imagine that adventure! 
Here's the video yet another bro in law took of my first and last zipline. Remember that side effect of me saying whatever I think? I yelled, I screamed, I laughed, I said whatever I was thinking. Whether I was the one ziplining or not. Did I mention that the guides asked if I'd been drinking...within the first 5 minutes of getting suited up back at base camp? 
The last video was me giving Amos (the guide) the finger. Why? Because he grabbed my hand to pull me up on the last platform and 1. I had just hurt my fingers real bad only days before 2. I was punch drunk or whatever from being so dang tired 3. I/we were having a great time and were sad to see it end. We had all been laughing at a joke my husband had made at Amos' expense just a few minutes before. It was VERY fun. The other guide was laughing so hard that poor Amos (who was showing us the zipline technique) was left dangling and had a hard time getting to the platform himself. His coworker was doubled over with laughter and forgot to help him with the guide wire. 

So yeah, being happy is better than being smart. Having fun is better than both. And thank you that I have this opportunity to have pain pushed further into the background so I can experience all of it!

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