Sunday, August 16, 2015

Enjoying the Sabbath Day

Just kicking back enjoying the beautiful Sabbath Day. Luckily it is a day of peace and rest for me today. How about y'all? Because sometimes don't you think it can be super crazy doing all the running around for the Lord?
Jennifer, my oldest, was born on a Sunday by the way. For those of you who think Mormons don't walk on the Sabbath or go to hospitals or anything you are wrong. At least not for THIS Mormon. I can not thank my doctor, the nurses, family, friends, and everyone else who helped me that day and the many days to come.
I also believe in modern Western medicine. Again, maybe you don't know or really care but I always intended to have an epidural with this pregnancy. A cesarean? Nope. But did you know (another off the wall fact) because we DID have a "complication" our insurance covered 90% of the expenses instead of the customary 50% or whatever it was at the time? Get this...we put our firstborn daughter on a credit card. She wasn't payed off until she was almost 18 months old. Ha ha, what would they have done had we not been able to pay...repossessed her? (I probably shouldn't laugh and make a joke about that now a days but there you go, my sense of humor. Love you, Jen!)
Now if you take a close look you'll notice that I probably did so many things wrong (both with my scrapbooking skills and my parenting skills and decorating/fashion skills or whatever) but do you think I care? Not a bit! Look at that face? So you can't tell if she's a boy or girl, who cares? Most, no I take that back, probably all of those clothes were hand me downs or gifts and it just so happens that I THOUGHT I was having a boy (remember my previous post) but it didn't matter...they were free. No playpen? Laundry basket. No teething toy? Student housing telephone cord.
You might notice that one of her feet there in the car seat looks awfully bulky. Well, uhh, yeah. That one is all my fault. You see, she had a broken leg. Now adays I'd probably have CPS called on me and monitoring me for both that and the above pictures but guess what? This little cutie is alive and well and besides my bumbling loving attempts, she is one beautiful, smart, intelligent, married woman herself.
(If I knew how to stick my tongue out I'd probably do it right about now.)

What is my point in today's rambling? Hmm. Let me try and tie it back in with my Sabbath Day title. Give me a minute. OK, it's this. Remember one of my reasons for writing this blog is tell you about this miraculous experience I had? I don't know if I mentioned that I honestly believe if it weren't for my faith, family, and friends I wouldn't be here today.

That is important so let me state it again: I HONESTLY BELIEVE IF IT WEREN'T FOR MY FAITH, FAMILY, AND FRIENDS I WOULDN'T BE HERE TODAY. And I mean that in that order. Because I have to wonder if I would be dead right now or in a mental institution without them.

Now how's THAT for another teaser? Really, I should be an author :) Enjoy your beautiful Sabbath Day y'all. It's great!

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