Saturday, August 29, 2015

My Morning in Pics

My morning in pictures: Being Happy is Better Than Being Smart…or strong. Whatever, I got it done ;)
I was going to help Dave by mowing the lawn. Now folks, we have ¾ an acre with only a push mower now. And no teenagers to help this morning. Dang, I’m really missing those teenage workers. Definitely not enough to make a new one but I sure miss them just the same. Our kids are good workers and no, we don’t pay them for helping around the house. That’s called “chores” and “part of being a member of our family” around our household. So since our oldest is married, my two boys are gone on missions, and our youngest teenager is busy with church and work all day long, Dave and I decide how to divide and conquer our yard.
Check out the first thing I saw! I decided to use dominion so I grabbed that baby with a stick and stomped it with my Keens. (Sandles that some think are ugly but they got the job done. I love them!)
Did I mention that years ago when I had all the testing some of that was allergy testing? Yeah, I’m highly allergic to grass. Too bad. The grass needs cutting and I want to help Dave. It’s gotta be as good as a teenage job. Right?!?

I thought for sure that answer would be yes. I was super excited to even get ‘er done with only one tank of gas. Well, I was kinda wrong.
First off, I ran over a sprinkler head and it went flying. Not good. David was out weeding that big patch in the back there. He’s throwing weeds and I’m running over them, too. Our lawn mower is no chipper but these are branches, either, so I figure it’s all good. That part is OK. Me trying to explain to Dave that I had hit a sprinkler head wasn’t as good. He shakes his head no. Uhhh, honey, I wasn’t asking permission to do it! I’m trying to tell you that I DID break it.
He quickly understands my limited sign language/ pantomime that sorry, Babe, the deed is done. So much for me helping his job be easier today. Oops.
And then guess what? I run out of gas. Can you see that tiny patch left? Grr. So it’s back to the shed to fill up the tank. Since when does the government have to get involved and tell you you have to buy crapy gas tanks that take two hands to use? Do you know how difficult it is to pour those things by yourself? They are heavy so why do you have to use two hands to pour the stuff? I personally make a bigger mess trying NOT to make a mess with that there gas can.
Whatever, I get it filled but then can’t start the thing. I try to pull and pull that thing but it won’t start. I push the button, the one you are supposed to push 3 times only. Nah, that doesn’t work, either.
So much for independence. Dave has to come start the stupid lawn mower for me. Oh well, I then finish mowing. Doesn’t it look nice now?

Except now the work begins for Dave…fixing the sprinkler head. So trying to be even MORE helpful I grab the limb loppers. Remember those things I used last weekend to half way chop down a tree from my rental property? I decide to use those things again now that I have some practice. We’ve got a LOT of trees in our yard. They are intertwining with the neighbors’ trees, hanging over the pool slide, hitting my head, etc so I decide to start clipping.
That is quite satisfying! You probably can’t tell a difference from the pics but check out the clean up job I did.

Those trash cans are only a small portion of the clean up. The rest I threw in a great big pile along the back fence. We’ll have to get to those later. I’ve never claimed a green thumb, right now I’m just hacking those branches to get more sun light in our back yard.

Look, over an hour later the lawn is mowed, the Keen feet and legs are dirty but hey, no blisters like the last time I mowed the yard!

And lucky me, I have a pool in my back yard that I can now wash/cool off my feet. And it’s still earlier than 10:30 am. Too bad there is no OHIO State football to watch later. Cuz my arms are sore. My nose is running. I’m pooped. And now my lucky husband is off to Lowe’s to buy the parts to fix the sprinkler head. Isn’t he the best?

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