Monday, August 17, 2015

What DID happen this spring?

I know I've been jumping around a lot so let me get back to this spring. Let me preface by saying that I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS TREATMENT. Do I need to say that again? I think not.

So I'll go back and forth and explain as best I can from whatever comments and/or questions I get but here's the deal. For the past 10 years or so I've been on a medical roller coaster. I can't even list to you all the vitamins, herbs, diets, prescriptions, doctors, nurses, ideas, hints, theories, shots, what have you that I have tried to feel better. That has led to surgeries. Braces. More surgeries. More medicines. More doctors. More EVERYTHING. And through all of this I'd bet most of you had absolutely no idea, did you?

I look fine. I act fine. Ask me and I'd tell you I was fine. Why? Because I was doing the best I could with what I had. Just like you do. Just like everyone does. At least so I assume. What else CAN you do?

I'm not one to curl up and die, literally or figuratively. I've known people who have. Do I judge them? Good gracious, NO! Why? Because I've walked in their shoes. I FEEL like I know what they are going through. I can talk with people about their medical issues and so many people have told me that they appreciate talking to me about it because for once they feel like someone gets it. FINALLY, someone knows what they are talking about.

Chronic pain can do that to you. Drugs can do that to you. Talking to people and sharing your stories can do that to you. Putting yourself out there for riddicule (again with the spelling) and judgment and weird looks can do that to you.

But I did it. I do it. And I will continue to do it.

So what all drugs am I talking about specifically? None of your business plus I couldn't name them all if I tried but it covers antidepressents, muscle relaxers, narcotics, epiliptic medication, (too bad there isn't a spelling medication...or is that practice...or spell check...or slow down and edit? None of which I am willing to do in my haste to get this out.), sleep medication, parkinsons disease medication, allergy medication, intestinal mediation, sinus medication, cavity/tooth medication, anxiety medication, steroids, and these are just the ones I can remember. Pretty impressive, huh? Or depressive.

But I've never done anything illegal. I've ALWAYS walked the line and tried my best to follow my doctor's orders. So when I heard about an experimental drug treatment that would maybe help keep me from getting a surgery sometime down the road that I might possibly have to remove my jaw and shave off a few millimeters, etc, I was all over that. ALL OVER THAT. And can you blame me?

You know those drug commercials you see on tv? Annoying aren't they? Especially the small talk that is longer than the actual commercial that lists all the possible side effects. And then when you pick up the actual prescription you get pages of paper that have such tiny writing that you can hardly read it and it goes on and on and on, too. Who reads all that? Who has time? Now combine that with all the number of drugs I was taking and how many of those side effects, or possible side effects, might be the same? Yeah. You catch what I'm saying here.

So this experimental thing really had no papers to sign in comparison. No real list of what was involved. All I knew was that my doctor suggested it and it was experimental. My insurance would pay for it. I was desperate. I signed up. That was the beginning of my ... miraculous story.

And I hate to break it to you folks, but that first happened back at Thanksgiving time of last year. So here I've gone through one whole post and I've teased you yet again. :( I'm sorry. Really!

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