Friday, August 28, 2015

I Know...And it makes me happy

I know. Without a doubt. I'm proud to share this and I feel sorry for you if you don't. You can know. This is more important than puppies, recipes, politics, quotes, memes, or anything else. I am more than happy to share with you how I know. Friend, family, or stranger alike.

Well, that didn't work well, I tried to upload a video from Facebook...yesterday...twice...and it never worked. If you want to know what I know and what makes me happy you'll have to find the link and hope for the best. Or find me on FB and check it out for yourself. Being happy is better than being smart. So I keep trying to tell myself.

After my rant on Sunday (many rants if you spoke with me personally or saw my FB page) I've decided I can not be happy in my current state. I need medication. I need my blog to help me look back and see just what medication I need and how much. And I'm also back to trying herbs to help deal with fibromyalgia. So instead of 10 prescription medications every day, every 4 hours, every day...I now take 1 prescription medication every day and I'm trying these herbs/vitamins.

Is it helping? You tell me.

I've called the psychoneurological doctor twice this week. Reminded the lady at the desk that the neurologist and chronic pain doctors can do nothing without his report. I must be a 3 in it would take 2-3 weeks for the results. And I told her straight out, "You do realize I don't know if I'm mentally retarded, right? I also don't know if I'm a psychopath or narcissit or whatever but yet this Dr must think I'm not too bad since I'm still behind the wheel of a car, right? I understand kids going to school will be annoying if they are bouncing around because of ADHD or whatever but they aren't behind the wheel of a car like this housewife. Who takes drugs. And has paid all her bills, too." 
You can imagine how all that went. Today I got an envelope in the mail from them. It was the bill saying I don't owe them anything and they don't owe me anything. Amazing how that's always the first mail you get, huh? So the last I know is that I left a message yesterday on the answering machine saying it will be 3 weeks on Tuesday. I expect an email with the results by then. I'll probably call them Monday just because the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

I copied/pasted that from my bestie who I railed on so much the past week. The one who also tried to talk me down Sunday from my atypical raging at the world. Who I laid into in email after email since she is no longer my friend on FB. And guess what? She is STILL emailing me. Now aren't you jealous that you don't have a friend like that? (And I'm so so glad I didn't throw her under the bus and name names etc. She knows who she is. She knows I love her.)

And one more copy/paste. This time from me to my cop bro in law. It's about TFT training. Another thing you can ask me about if you'd like.

This stuff is awesome! I can't wait for you to come visit so we can practice. No joke...I'm getting ready to look at the groin now. The video...Of a complete stranger...after I'm done gouging his eyes and smashing his throat. 
Now how fun is this!?!

Now tell me folks you aren't going to google TFT right this very minute. I think I'm going to go learn about it right now. I feel safer knowing it and it really is fascinating. 

I'm happy now. Still don't know if I'm smart. Still don't care. Being Happy is Better Than Being Smart :)

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