Monday, August 24, 2015

Verbal Vomit/Diarrhea

Verbal Vomit/Diarrhea

Eww, with a title like that how can you not be intriqued? I personally think verbal vomit would be easier to clean up so I like to think of that mind picture instead of what my husband said I made, verbal diarrhea. Huh? You are asking. Or maybe not, I’m really not sure.

I feel, I choose, in my opinion, sometimes vs always vs never…these are all words to hide what you really think. But hey, if I feel like I have a forced confession/apology to make, I’ll give it my best. “I’m sorry if I offended you by some of my posts and/or comments this past week or in the past. And while I’m at it, let me just throw out that I’m also sorry for any other comments/posts/pictures/ramblings that may offend you in the future.”

How was that? Now let me say what I really think. This is my blog. You are choosing to be here. Right now I need to focus on me and what I feel and what I think. Remember, I could be mentally retarded (sorry if you don’t like that word…disabled…damaged…whatever!) and or a raging psychopath for all I know. Professionals seem to think I’m allowed to still be behind the wheel of a car, though, because I’m still waiting for all those tests results. I guess I’m more of a 2 weeker or 3 weeker in my “your tests will take 2-3 weeks to be finished.” Why? I don’t know. I’ve already paid for the tests and results, my insurance has, too. But apparently right now as school is starting kids acting up in class are more important than a possible housewife who wonders what an experimental drug treatment did to her BRAIN. Maybe I should lie and I should have answered one of the 40 different ways they ask if you are suicidal to a yes. Then maybe I would make it to the top of the list??? Snarkiness and sarcasm is totally intended here.

Here’s more. I really don’t know how many times I have to tell you that I am having a very difficult time keeping my mouth shut. Since the treatment I CAN NOT not say whatever I am thinking. Do I need to repeat that? For crying out loud people, drugs just fried my brain and now I have to worry about how many times I have mentioned that to you?!?

But you are on MY page now. Not on Facebook. YOU choose to be here. Quit reading right now if you don’t want to read any more.

Are you still here? Then great, thanks for sticking with me. If not, I’ll be disappointed to know that yet again my ramblings have offended another cry baby. Because guess what? I still don’t care what you think. Get your own blog if you want to cry and whine and feel sorry for yourself. Now you are CHOOSING to read this and YOU are CHOOSING to get offended.

Are we clear?

Because yesterday was a not happy day in the Peart household. Dave and I both agree it was the worst day of our almost 25 year marriage. Why? Because I’ve been told I’ve lost all my social communication skills. Guess what? You aren’t my boss, I’m not your employee, you’re not my husband, you aren’t me so get over it all ready!

Let me say it one more time…I don’t care what you think about politics or religion or whatever. I don’t care what color your skin is. If you are gay, have homosexual tendencies, how old you are, how young you are, whether or not you like chocolate or have food allergies yada yada yada.

I AM NOT JUDGING YOU! I AM NOT SAYING I AM BETTER THAN YOU! YES, I AM SHOUTING AT YOU! I’m not God and neither are you. If you are offended because I said God, bye bye. Get off my page.

I believe in God. I believe in the miracle of life. I believe abortion is wrong. If you see red because I said that…GOOD! I see red, too. Blood. Rivers of blood. Rivers of innocent blood. I also see green. Envy, deceit, and oh yeah, baby…money. Lots and lots of money. You figure out for yourself why I see that. I’m really hoping you see those colors, too.

Why? Because if not then YOU are apathetic. You are the one who will probably bury your head in the sand and say it doesn’t matter. Am I hurting your feelings now? Sorry. That is not what I’m trying to do. I’m merely pointing out that you live in the land of the free. Get out and vote! Learn for yourself what is going on. Don’t take my word for it. Pull your head out of whatever it is in and do your own research.

And quit messing with me and telling me I’m wrong. I’m sick of hearing it. I’m sick of whining and complaining and focusing on the negative. It’s depressing. It’s very unhappy making. And I don’t ever want another day where I am raging out of control, willing to throw, bite, punch, or mortally wound anyone who dared disagree with me to my face.

(Are you feeling sorry for my husband right about now? Yeah, he was wise and gave me a time out…all day long…yesterday. Now that folks, is wisdom.) The Peart household is in for one heck of a ride when I hit menopause, aren’t we. Be glad you aren’t here. Or if you are nearby, you may want to stay away. This little lamb of a Lisa has the heart of a lion we are learning.

So hello and/or goodbye. Take your pick. I’m done trying to please you because this is my blog. Now how is that for the very worst apology ever? Put me in the Guiness Book of World Records. I’d be proud of that. Why? Because Being Happy is Better Than Being Smart.

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud to be your mom any day of the week, month, year or lifetime.
