Thursday, August 13, 2015

Moving On

I feel a sense of hurry. Hurry and get to the point. The point of what? What happened to me? My past, my future? The future of this country or of the world in general or of me in general? I have no idea! What do y'all want to hear about? What do I want to say? Comments would be appreciated I guess. Just remember to keep them clean and don't expect me to answer each and every one if I get busy doing something else. That's not too much to ask now is it? :)

So go with me back to the 90's and here I am a poor college student who decides I want to play house and have a baby. WE decide together this is the best plan of action for our family and right away we get pregnant. Now THAT is scary, folks!

My whole life I've dreamed about being a mother and I am sooo excited but come on now, there is some foreign thing growing inside me and I'm scared to death! I'm young and healthy and keeping notes on every little thing and not getting sick at all. But at times I do wonder why I'm still going to school. I mean really, the plan is for me to be a stay at home mom so why do I need to keep busting my butt going to school for this double major? Dave is smart. Really, really smart. He's working part time, too. Though it is at Discount Tire but I'm also participating in the Color Guard with the marching band and it's hot and sweaty and tiring and give me some pity points, I am pregnant here!

But no, the deal was I would finish school no matter what if we decided to start a family so I stick to it. I told you this was complete honesty. And can I also admit I kinda wanted a boy first, too? Back then we didn't get an ultrasound unless there was a problem and since I was healthy as a horse I didn't need one. I kept pestering Dave with, "What do you think it is? Just pick one already!" So he did and picked a boy. So I kept thinking of little one as "he". Duh, Dave had a 50/50 chance of being right. Why did I think he was having some revelation or something? Men, here is how women's minds really work. Or at least how my young mind did at that time.

Anyway, here's a picture I found that I'm willing to share. So we plowed along and to our utter joy and delight, our first born DAUGHTER was born soon before my 21st birthday.

It's OK, you can be jealous of the hair, or dress, or smile or whatever :) 

I'm sure Dave would say the same thing. But really, you SHOULD be jealous that I had such a good friend that made me this dress for our sweet little Jennifer Lynn.

 Did you know, though, that a C-section is NOT something you want? I always thought maybe that would be preferred since giving birth was such a scary thing to a first time mom. Nope. I had to learn the hard way that a breech birth equals an automatic C-section in Provo at 5am on a Memorial Day weekend to my particular doctor. And on that particular Memorial Day weekend that meant running out of pain medication, too. And not getting to see your first born daughter for hours because she was whisked away to the nursery and they kinda forgot about getting her back to you. Hmm. Lot's of things I didn't know.

Really all you people reading this blog, there are so many things first time parents DO NOT KNOW that they really really should. Maybe this blog can help someone in some way? If so, you're welcome. If not, hey, I tried. And now I'm ready to move on...


  1. Things are a bit different now, with so many hospitals letting you "room in" with your child. I liked it better until the nurses gave my newborn a MIDNIGHT bath? I think you are sharing good stuff, things people really don't talk much about. No need to hurry, share what you feel you need too get out. Curious, did you have the others naturally?

  2. So much has changed from when I had my first child 22 years ago. Only one ultrasound allowed at the first visit and we never knew if we were having a boy or a girl. Now I just had a baby 5 months ago. Some things same as 10 years ago but definitely a higher bill!

  3. So much has changed from when I had my first child 22 years ago. Only one ultrasound allowed at the first visit and we never knew if we were having a boy or a girl. Now I just had a baby 5 months ago. Some things same as 10 years ago but definitely a higher bill!
